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Minotaurs Unleashed: A Pathfinder 2nd Edition Ancestry $4.99
Publisher: Paizo
by Kass C. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/02/2023 00:42:27

An excellent addition to my Pathfinder games! I love minotaurs and bought this immediately, though I neglected to actually write a review until now. The lore fits perfectly with the source material and the art is gorgeous to look at, and all of the heritages and feats are very well thought out, not just in terms of balance and conformity to existing ancestries, but also in flavour, references to mythology, and providing options that will be fun to use. I particularly look forward to being able to use the Ivory Invocation in my games, chasing another combatant down the twisting halls of a labyrinth while they try to escape. In addition to the ancestry, Minotaurs unleashed has a new weapon designed for minotaurs, and a new deity with all the details one would expect to find in a Pathfinder products, down to an Avatar form. In conclusion Conner hit it out of the park with this one!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Minotaurs Unleashed: A Pathfinder 2nd Edition Ancestry
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