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Queerfinder Issue 1: Bars of Absalom $12.99
Publisher: Paizo
by Randy S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/24/2022 20:30:13

This is a solid opening effort from the Queerfinder team. There is a variety of content between short fiction, locations, monsters, and character options, with fairly high production values in terms of art and layout. Rather that going over everything and running some surprises, I'd rather just do some callouts.

What I enjoyed: The layout was better than anything I could have expected. I loved the index of game mechanics in the Table of Contents, as it makes the pdf a much easier resource for players and gm's who want to reference it at the table. I liked the inclusion of hyperlinked advertisements (and some of the fictional ads were just great.) My personal favorite article was the Harpy Holidays article, and I'd love to see more of those types of in-character articles going forward. I'm all for gonzo academia

What I might suggest: The inclusion of the maps as a seperate zip file was appreciated, and I might consider doing that with potential handouts as well, such as the menu of the articles. I also feel like some of the items were slightly over-or-under leveled for the effect they produced. Nothing gamebreaking, just maybe a level or two in each direction.

What wasn't for me: This issue came off as a little too twee of a vibe for me. I kind of expected it, given the first issue and likely wanting to be very inline with the mission statement. I really don't consider this a flaw as it's more of editorial choice vs. my personal tastes, but as someone who idenfities as queer, I just want to throw out there that I like seeing messy, problematic characters. I love queer villains. I especially love queer monsters. To erase them erases a lot of people with under the queer umbrella. I think flawed characters can add a level of authencity, even if sprikled in amongst the twee.

I can't wait for Issue #2.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thank you for the kind and detailed review as well as constructive feedback! That's a great call on the handouts; I'll add that to the to-do list as we continue to update the product in the coming weeks! We've got a couple very talented Paizo freelance editors coming on board for the next issue, so hopefully we'll be able to zero in on the balance better going forward, and I believe you'll be pleased with what Alison (author of 541 Lodevico Street) may have in store for the next issue. To be honest, the lack of villains was more an oversight than a deliberate editorial choice, as well as a function of the way deadlines happened to land, so that's a great note and something we will keep in mind going forward. We appreciate your support and your willingness to take the time to write up such a thoughtful review!
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Queerfinder Issue 1: Bars of Absalom
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