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PF2e Remaster Semi-Automated Creature CreatorClick to magnify

PF2e Remaster Semi-Automated Creature Creator

This is a semi-automated resource for creating creatures according to the PF2 Remaster rules. Its purpose is to decrease the amount of page-flipping and table-referencing needed, particularly for those who struggle to use tables of numbers. Level- and trait-dependent information from the GM Core, Monster Core, and Rage of Elements is included.

For example: If you want to create a level 5 protean with a moderate Fort save, you select "5" from the drop-down menu for level, "moderate" from the drop-down menu for Fort, and click the "protean" trait. Features standard for proteans will be listed to the side (you can choose to incorporate all or some of them into the stats), and the stat block sheet will return a Fort save of 4.

Best practices that are not level- or trait-dependent are not included, so referencing the body text in these books is still highly recommended to make your creatures the best and most well-balanced they can be.
This product is provided as a pair of protected and unprotected Excel spreadsheets—for people who want to avoid accidentally breaking formulas, and for those who want to play around with them, respectively. While the stat block is arranged in the correct format, copy/pasting it into your word processor or design software is not recommended, as the programs don't communicate well with formatting that complex. You can, however, put the windows side-by-side to quickly re-type the stats in your formatted document.
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Noah H May 25, 2024 12:22 am UTC
Table won't let me set Creature Level, keep getting a pop up with "The data you entered in cell B21 violates the data validation rules set on this cell" when I try to select a level from the drop down for the Creature Level.
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Jess M May 26, 2024 12:54 am UTC
Thanks for letting me know. I'll take a look after I finish running a game.
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Jess M May 26, 2024 1:14 am UTC
Is it both copies or just the protected one?
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Jess M May 26, 2024 2:44 pm UTC
I haven't been able to replicate the error popping up for you, on either sheet. Can you reach out to me at or DeadGators on Discord? I'd like to do a screen share session with you to get to the bottom of this.
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File Last Updated:
April 07, 2024
This title was added to our catalog on April 07, 2024.