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Together with Elements ArchetypesClick to magnify

Together with Elements Archetypes


Elemental Planes soar far above the Universe within the Inner Sphere, but a person could stumble into portals across Golarion. The planes are out of reach, but walk among us. Geniekin are striking, and kineticists flash, but there are many others with subtler connection. 

Check out Together with Elements Archetypes for a chance for all your not just kineticist characters to play with the power of the elemental planes. Detailing 12 new archetypes (plus 1 reprint), and 123 new feats, spread over 26 chock full pages with options to compliment all types of play styles.

Seven elemental artisans who incorporate unique planar items: the attenuator adeptbroncheronincenseurmorphic armoristpaleontogiansailsworn ambassador, and viridian digit. Those who make allies of the planar citizenry elemental bonderselemental callers, and wisp conductors. Draw spells through the elemental blaster, or deliver ammunition and impulses from your kinetic boomstick. Or consider the concordance wardens who maintain the balance of churn of the good of all planes, elemental or otherwise.

  • The Attenuator Adept where you have literally forged your own connection to the planes. Learn, cast, and fight through your element(s).

  • Broncheron where you used held and bottled breath as currency for special abilities.

  • Concordance Wardens seek out both saving folks from and harnessing elemental instabilities.

  • Elemental Blasters allow anyone to be that master blaster no matter where they are in the thick of combat.

  • The Elemental Bonder has a team of elemental friends that work with you and together, including my favorite which are is a transformation combo between each of the six elements.

  • An Elemental Caller is a different take in bringing forth summoned elementals.

  • Incenseurs wield censers with deep faith, expertise, and deadly weapons.

  • Smoke surrounds the Kinetic Boomstick and you tug on your connection to the planes to create bullets, fire impulses, and cycle your activations.

  • Morphic Armorist make the inflexible flexible in adjusting your weapons and armor to suit your current needs.

  • Paleontogian can summon fossilized friends. Do I need to say anything else?

  • The Sailsworn Ambassador is the face of the seas, flexing Bon Mots, Feints, flying diplomatic flags and some new pirate flavored dynamo options like the captain’s hook or swabby’s peg.

  • Viridian Digits grow forth from herbalists, using your blooms to improve your poultices.

  • And we reintroduce the Wisp Conductora chance to bring these creatures into tune to distract your enemies.

Includes your favorite tools !Pathbuilder and Foundry! if you choose to connect to the digital plane!

3/14/24 FYI links now reflect Nethys remaster updates, including the ones missing due to Player Core.

6/10/24 v1.1.1 release - 

  • Lore skill proficiencies for dedications and Kinetic Lore have been updated to be consistent, changing to a standardization to Additional Lore.
  • Changed the redundant expert proficiency in Nature for Viridian Digit Dedication to Assurance in Nature.
  • Updated some descriptive text.

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File Last Updated:
June 12, 2024
This title was added to our catalog on March 01, 2024.