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Eldritch Expansions Rainbow of Elements: A Kineticist ExpansionClick to magnify

Eldritch Expansions Rainbow of Elements: A Kineticist Expansion


Grab the Rainbow of Elements kineticist expansion today! With 8 new elements, you can become a master of the elemental energies of: aether, awareness, light, shadow, spirit, time, vitality and void! In addition, you can find expansions for the elements of: air, earth, fire, metal, water, and wood as well as composite elements and expansions to the monk class and houses of perfection!

  • Each element features about 15 feats
  • This book includes two monk stances as 1st level feats, each with an upgrade feat at level 6. One is the metal stance, Steel Shattering Stance, a concussive and forceful stance that allows you to Entrench against enemy attacks and destroy incoming weapons. The other is the wood stance, Lashing Vine Stance, a backswing, finesse, parry, reach stance that allows you to protect allies around you
  • You will also find 4 focus spells for each of the Houses of Perfection featured here. The two houses are Unyielding Earth and Unwithering Wood.
  • Each existing element (air, earth, fire, metal, water, wood) have also recieved about two new feats each as well as a handful of new composite impulses.

  • A "beta" version of the Pathbuilder file has been uploaded. Note: Custom Elements are not yet supported. To take an element from Rainbow of Elements, give yourself a bonus class feat and select that element's feat. For Junctions, choose Expand the Portal and give yourself an additional class feat at that level.
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Customer avatar
Mark R October 20, 2024 11:44 am UTC
Hey there! Just wanted to toss some feedback about the void kineticist. "Destroy Myself To Be Reborn" seems to be pretty oppressive for such an easy to use impulse, and is much more of a power creep compared to it's closest comparison Lighting Dash. Is this intentional? I will also add that it seems to be missing the save for the damage done in your aura. I'd probably have made it much more like Lightning Dash and just kept it as two actions and the explosion on arrival to creatures. Would put it much more in line.
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Jan V March 08, 2024 7:30 am UTC
Hi! For some reason the Redact feat for Chronokineticist is completely obscured by a big time elemental guy. I get the appreciation for the art, but it sure is distracting!
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hugh H June 08, 2024 2:22 am UTC
Having the same issue here, the art for that elemental creature on page 26 almost completely obscures the description of the Redact feat. Hope it gets fixed up soon.
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Eric C January 18, 2024 9:47 am UTC
Also wishing for Foundry integration.

If I want to just add whatever feats I end up taking, does anyone know how hard that would be? Adding 200+ feats sounds like an incredible amount of effort, but if I'm just adding 2-3 I imagine it'd be significantly easier?
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Alexander R January 16, 2024 10:20 pm UTC
Foundry VTT :pray:
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Gregory S January 12, 2024 9:56 pm UTC
Any update on when this will have Foundry VTT support? This looks pretty good and I would like to add it to my game.
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Luann D November 27, 2023 11:55 pm UTC
First of all, let me say I love the product. Changing Primal on some elements is a great flavor win, some of these elements look absolutely incredible, fun and balanced to play, and I'm already theorycrafting some characters I'll never be able to play. I hope some day one of my players decide to use one of these elements so I can see them in action. However, I did find some errors/mistakes/things I maybe misunderstood/a few balance concerns that I'd like to address:

Force Hook Charge: This is more an idea than anything else, but what about making it so this interacts with your Aura Junction? Increasing the Leap if you have it.

Living Puppets: On a Reposition critical failure, the target gets to move you. Is this intended to be the case here still? Otherwise, it should say so.

Repelling Nova: The second paragraph reads weirdly. "after the start of your next turn, you emit a 20-foot aura of repulsion". Should this be "until" the start of your next turn instead?...See more
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Dylan W November 28, 2023 12:13 pm UTC
Thanks for pointing out some things for us to edit! I can talk about some of the edits now such as the balance ones or ones that just missed things.

Upthrust: Got one too many edits I think. Failure should be immobilized and there should also probably be a line saying "even if the creature doesn't have a fly speed" since its forced movement

Heavenly Devastation: should be two actions

Shadow Bomb: I had a tough time editing this one. It's a two-action elemental blast that has to not simply replace your two-action elemental blast. As it stands, its a two-action blast that deals some splash and dazzles a marked target on a hit. I think it came out fine as an alternative to two-action blast. If the impulse was level +2 you'd always use it instead of your two-action blast starting at level 3

Time Impulse: Consider that air's impulse is a half-stride on the turn you use it. For the blast, consider that it contributes to MAP. Also, if you get quickened any...See more
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Luann D November 28, 2023 12:56 pm UTC
You sold me on Time Impulse Junction and Critical Blast. I still don't really like Shadow Bomb, but at least now I understand. Thank you for the quick reply!
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Luann D November 28, 2023 4:17 pm UTC
I don't know if this is the best place to suggest this, but I'd really like to see more flavor for each new element. How would Base Kinesis work for any of these elements? Do you generate aether and life? Can you suppress time and mind? And on channeling elements, what would the kinetict aura of mind, time or light look like? I imagine some of these would need basically entirely new options on Base Kinesis, since generate/suppressing life or mind, for instance, would be weird. But even having a small blurb of "maybe you could do this" or "your aura could look like such and such" would help a lot with building the flavor of each new element you guys introduced.
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Dylan W November 29, 2023 1:14 am UTC
I thought the same thing! I did that with my element, light, but it wasn't something we all agreed to do so it was left out in the end, probably because really weird ones, like time, just didn't really function that well. It's definitely one of those "if we spent more development time on this" things that I think would have happened. Sorry for the dissapointment there, but here are my ideas from my Light Element.

Light Example:
Generate: You can create a ball of light in a square that emits bright light in a 60-foot radius and dim light for the next 60 feet. You can instead target a creature which causes the ball of light to constantly hover over its head as long as it remains in range.
Move: You can target a light source and a square; that light source emits its light from the targeted square instead of its actual location.
Suppress - You snuff out a light source.

Extended Kinesis -
Proliferate: You can choose a light source’s area to expand.
Regulate:...See more
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Tadhg C November 22, 2023 1:39 pm UTC
Aether currently has no impulse junction.
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Dylan W November 22, 2023 2:23 pm UTC
I noticed that when I was creating the Pathbuilder file. It got missed on layout but it is:

Impulse Junction Before or after the other effects of the impulse, you can either:
-Use an Interact action that takes only 1 action to perform. Your action gains a range of 30 feet.
-Move an unattended object up to 20 feet in any direction. The object must have a negligible or light Bulk, and must start and end its movement within 30 feet of you.

I also noticed Shatter Consequences lost is base healing, which is 2d8.
"That creature heals 2d8 damage, up to a maximum of the damage it took from the attack."
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hugh H November 21, 2023 8:01 am UTC
Will there be any Foundry VTT support for this in the future?
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Dylan W November 22, 2023 3:09 pm UTC
It is something we want to do, but its a massive project. There were 202 different "feats" in the pathbuilder file and 8 spells. The foundry versions would need to be tied-in with effects and such as well. I'm optimistic that it will happen, but I couldn't say how long the project will take at this time.
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hugh H November 22, 2023 10:59 pm UTC
That's understandable, it definitely looks like a lot of work to do. Hope the team fares well on their work with it!
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