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It's time to shift into MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE!

Combine the principles of mechanics and the power of mayhem with Inventors+, an expansion of the inventor class for Pathfinder 2nd Edition. Build hulking robots, harness the power of the arcane through technology, and break down the laws of the universe into simple equations with new class options to accentuate the masters of machines at your table. 

This love-letter to the original class includes...

  •  New Innovations with the Healing Innovation that rewrites the rules of life and death, and the Magitek Innovation which conquers the gifts of magic with the power of machinery!

  • Expanded Innovations to give even more options to exisiting innovations, like massive armour frames or constructs that can shift into vehicles.

  • New Class Feats, giving you access to new Theory feats which allow you to put together a Prediction, perform a Test and and Analyze the results over the course of multiple rounds, or expansions to your machinist acumen like Mechanical Appendages or Initiate Self-Destruct!

  • Unconventions, alternate options to Overdrive and Explode powered by new power-sources, like the frosty Cryonization option, the shocking Polarity route or the bizarre, biomechanical Organic choice!

  • 30+ New Gadgets, from X-Ray Goggles to peer through walls and Power Gauntlets to shoot beams of energy in a parallel to Alchemist bombs, to self-replicating Quantum Duplicators and the dreaded Doomsday Device!

  • The Gadgeteer Class Archetype, which trades a single innovation away for mastery over gadgets and the ability to push the limits of these portable gizmos to new heights!

  • Suggested Changes, our curated list of optional house-rules to compliment the Inventor's playstyle, like new rules for the Unstable trait or ways to bring Variable Core to new levels of play. 

  • Stylized Illustrations throughout the book the spark new ideas on how to play in your brain!

No matter the character you want to play-- a mad scientist raising the dead, an academic of arcane engineering or a tinkerer with ceaseless ideas-- Inventors+ is a vanilla+ tribute to the technomancer in all of us. With 28 pages and over 150 new options at your finger tips, Inventors+ is the ultimate way to make a gear-slinger in Pathfinder 2e!
Foundry and Pathbuilder Support Included for Free!


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Jared M October 29, 2024 5:44 am UTC
has foundry support been added to this yet?
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Tony S October 29, 2024 3:10 pm UTC
Yep! Has had Foundry support for some time, looks like the product description just hasn't been updated.
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Chris T May 17, 2024 4:03 am UTC
Is there a plan to update the pathbuilder version? The invigoration link in the healing innovation isn't there
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Tony S May 20, 2024 1:26 pm UTC
I actually think this went out yesterday, but our Dev is in the middle of a few updates because the main app actually broke a few homebrew things.

Let me know if it doesn't look resolved.
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Jj A May 10, 2024 5:06 am UTC
Has pathbuilder support been added yet? I'm super interested as an inventor main, and PB is very continent
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Derry L May 10, 2024 11:48 am UTC
Oops! Those have been here for a while! I'll need to update the description, sorry for the confusion!
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Skibly 2 February 18, 2024 6:58 pm UTC
When a magitek inventor gains spellcasting benefits, do they use prepared or spontaneous spell slots? If prepared, can they choose any arcane spells or does the innovation work like a wizard’s spell book?
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Tony S February 19, 2024 1:08 pm UTC
Yes the basic spellcasting benefits work the same as the initial spellcasting benefits where it states prepared and it does work like a spellbook:

"You can cast arcane spells, and your innovation contains the data of four common arcane cantrips. You gain the Cast a Spell activity. You can prepare two arcane cantrips each day."

But the question is common so I'll see if clarifying text can be added.
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Skibly 2 February 19, 2024 7:41 pm UTC
Thank you!

For clarification, do you learn two spells per spell rank like a wizard does?

Also, about the mechanical trinkets modification, the talisman dabbler dedication allows you to create temporary talismans with an item level no more than half your level. This is rounded down by default, so therefore a first level magitek inventor could only make level 0 talismans, but all are at least first level. This would mean you cannot make any talismans until second level, unless you craft some with the magical crafting feat. Is this intentional?
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Tony S February 19, 2024 8:21 pm UTC
Yes to the Wizard piece. It works identically to Basic Spellcasting Benefits.

Also for talismans, that is correct (at least until a level 0 Talisman is created, which we'll have to see in remaster).

That said, I don't think it would be terribly outrageous to add a "minimum of 1" to the innovation itself so that you can actually make use of it at level 1. I'll probably have to add text for that in the next update as well.

Thanks for the comments!
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April 27, 2024
This title was added to our catalog on October 31, 2023.