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Orcs Strong TogetherClick to magnify
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Orc arm flexing with die

We are Orc Strong Together. This product is not only about celebrating orcs in honor of the Open RPG Creative License. It is about celebrating what people sticking up for their community, and what working together can accomplish. During the ogl deauthorization threats of January 2023 it took a community to come together and create this new future. It took a community to push back on WoTCs wants. It takes community to play this game. Its foundations have always been about people.

In that spirit, we eight awesome authors, and two terrific artists, created a product not just about orcs, but the power of community. Within you will find:

  • Orc Bloodline weaving ferocity into your spellcasting
  • Bring orc stocism into your oracle curses with Curse of the Challenges Hubris and Curse of the Everscorched Appendages
  • Rules for rearing and riding drakes, an orcs' best companion
  • Scar tattoos bringing some aftermath to your previous glorious injuries
  • New weapons with utlimate flexibility through multigrip, and many more to overwhelm you
  • Learn about the unique orish relationship with the Æsir
  • Summon the phantom of a former revolutionary to your side
  • New items for shared support
  • Get hyped, gunslings, with the Way of the Barnburner
  • Embrace Community Spirit with the Vigilant Bloodline
  • Become an agent of Justice, an Oathkeeper, or a Despot with the new Tenents of Law
  • Last but not least meet the Dampersand Dragon, a creature that is both made from, but fears, magic.

Foundry Integration now available!

Companion five part mini adventure New Orcs on the Block now available!

Orc sorcerer

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Richard H November 16, 2023 4:38 am UTC
Is there any plans for pathbuilder support?
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Helen S November 16, 2023 12:45 pm UTC
Hi Richard, thanks for the interest!
Given several of the character options are being impacted by Player Core 2, we decided to delay until we make our remaster updates.
We'll keep folks posted next summer.
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Michael S January 06, 2024 7:46 am UTC
Look forward to the Pathbuilder integration. I only buy supplements that I can use on Pathbuilder. Since I run games in person and online
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Avery R June 02, 2023 6:19 pm UTC
If you run into any issues installing the Foundry Module from the manifest, sometimes when you copy the manifest URL from the book it slips extra spaces in there, which makes the installation fail. You can get around this by either right clicking the link and using copy link, or following the link and then copying it out of your web browser. Both methods worked like a charm for me.
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Apostol Apostolov A April 27, 2023 9:17 am UTC
Is there a product that contains the Meravon map without the markers?
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Helen S April 27, 2023 2:23 pm UTC
New Orc's on the Block, the associated adventure blocks, has unmarked maps, including Meravon.
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File Last Updated:
March 01, 2024
This title was added to our catalog on February 22, 2023.