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Heroes of Omen: The NanocyteClick to magnify
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Heroes of Omen: The Nanocyte


Dupuis_-_bloodrager_small_dtrpg.pngThis title is for Pathfinder 1e.

Nanites. Tiny machines that can grant incredible fortitude, transform into tools, and course across the battlefield to decimate foes. Whether their incorporation stems from accidental infection, excruciating experiments, or voluntary symbiosis, nanites grow stronger as they gradually transform their host into more machine than mortal.

Heroes of Omen: The Nanocyte is a direct conversion of the Starfinder Roleplaying Game class of the same name. With over 40 talents and familiar class features available, you can build a nanocyte to match your playstyle and enjoy that character in a fantasy-meets-tech setting such as Golarion.

Also Available for Pathfinder 2e

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Shane O June 05, 2023 7:09 pm UTC
Just out of curiosity, why not post this as a Samurai Sheepdog product, rather than a Pathfinder Infinite one? I'm guessing that the answer involves using Golarion and similar IP, but wouldn't this get more exposure as a Samurai Sheepdog product, even if that meant removing those references?
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Samurai S June 05, 2023 8:51 pm UTC
The Heroes of Omen line is intentionally made with Golarion as the point of reference because we wanted to contribute to that world in our own way. The good news is, unlike DM's Guild, we can still reference the content later if we decide to do something related to the nanocyte that isn't Golarion-specific.
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Shane O September 12, 2023 8:03 pm UTC
Thanks for the quick response! One question: while I've bought the product and am quite happy with it, it seems a bit odd for a full BAB class to only have a d6 Hit Die; was that intentional, or is it in error?
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Samurai S September 13, 2023 4:19 am UTC
d6 is intentional because they use Con primarily for their abilities, which naturally increases their HP to at least rogue, if not fighter level. They also have several ways to gain healing/temporary HP that you can build into if you feel squishy at all. Also, depending on how you handle HP (roll vs. average optional vs. max), you can potentially have more HP with the control offered by having higher Constitution.

Hope that helps clear it up a little.
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Luis O January 22, 2023 5:55 pm UTC
Purchased and will offer a review soon. I'll support anything PF1e that is well made and I know Samurai Sheepdog makes some good content for PF1e. Glad to see, as little as it may be, that PF1e isn't entirely dead.
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Samurai S January 22, 2023 6:13 pm UTC
Awesome, thank you so much! I’ll look forward to it.
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