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Agents of Edgewatch Missing Persons: Wine MerchantClick to magnify
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Agents of Edgewatch Missing Persons: Wine Merchant


Agents of Edgwatch Missing Persons: Wine Merchant expands on the Missing Person’s arc in Chapter Two of Agents of Edgewatch Adventure Path: Devil at the Dreaming Palace.

Now your party can investigate the disappearance of Anastatia Corvis: a human Irriseni merchant who came to Absalom to sell ice wine. This could also be run as a side quest separate from Agents of Edgewatch, or provide some additional material for Absalom’s Precipice quarter. Includes six new locations and NPCs.

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Erik E March 17, 2022 6:32 pm UTC
General thoughts:

I ran this last weekend as a filler episode because half my group couldn’t make it so those who showed weren’t expecting much. Imagine my surprise when it ended up being a crowd favorite! A ton of clever decisions were made in the design of this tightly packed module.

Likes: A simple (not simplistic!) deductive puzzle slow-rolled over the course of 7 pages, 6 fleshed-out locations, 9+ NPCs (with various emotional states and micro-conflicts), relevant & quality thematic art (I know it’s all repurposed art but I think that argument would be missing the point in a product like this), a strong & relevant link to the Agents of Edgewatch AP volume 1 (so this doesn’t feel like a wasted evening of play).

Dislikes: Not much, really. The “combat” in this module is only relevant if the GM makes it relevant. The Tengu & Dwarf, respectively. There are zero reasons to draw your sword if you are running this out-of-the-box. It’s hard for me to...See more
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Helen S March 17, 2022 6:46 pm UTC
Thank you Erik! I'm glad your table enjoyed. I do appreciate your feedback, and will keep the NPC tie in mind for my next installment.
... and in answer to your question? I guess it does. I want to make each of the missing persons a complete viable lead... I just didn't think through the implications of offsetting chapter 3. Oops?
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Muerte B January 24, 2022 7:01 pm UTC
I ran across this as well, while hunting for a little side thing this was written for in my AoE campaign. I ended up not running it yet, but have it setup on the back burner. And love the format and idea and may spawn something myself.
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Helen S January 24, 2022 8:09 pm UTC
Thanks. Would love to see what you might spawn!
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Tabletop O January 21, 2022 4:06 am UTC
I wish I had this when I was running this book, this is the kind of content I was after for it :D
Can't wait to read it through more closely.
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May 28, 2022
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