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After losing her husband, long-retired wizard Mildred Dubois had no one in this world. Loneliness chilled her old bones, until she met the dire rat in her basement. She will do anything in her limited power to keep the creature safe and fed, but he hasn't come up her basement stairs to eat for three days straight. Now she seeks help finding her precious rat.
A Missing Rat Problem... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Pay What You Want
NOW COMES WITH FOUNDRY SUPPORT! (It's coded as best as I could but some functionality may be missing)
Do you stay up late at night, looking through at your copy of The Grand Bazaar just in case new Poppet options magically appeared? Me too! But don't worry, I have decided to take this crisis into my own hands and make a mini compendium just for you Poppet fanatics out there.
- Five... [click here for more] |
Paizo |

In the time since the Drift Crash, the ensuing Drift Crisis, and the subsequent mending, there have been a number of new locations throughout Desna’s Path that have garnered new interest. These ports, most of them found at the end of Drift Lanes, have become hubs of adventure through this interest.That said, much of the player options for the Starfinder Roleplaying Game are focused... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
A surprise is waiting for you inside. ... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
 Combat: Check: REVEAL: STR or Melee +1d10, mega. DISCARD to add 1d8.
If the bane has Outsider/Supernatural, add 1 die.
RECHARGE: add Opinionated to your check.
1d6|1d8 ([ ] 1d6|1d10)
DISCARD to explore your location. Add Opinionated to a check this exploration. 1d4|1d6.
OPINIONATED: roll two dice.
Larger > Small: add the result to your ck.
Smaller > Larger: subtract from your ck. A... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
 RECHARGE this card to add 1d10 to your Perception or Survival check.
RECHARGE this card to reduce Combat damage dealt to a local character by 1.
DISCARD this card to explore your location. During this exploration, add 1d4 to your combat checks. If you have the NEMA, Republican, or ARCHIE trait, RECHARGE instead.
A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
 DISPLAY this card next to a location.
Recharge a card to add 1d10 to a combat or stealth check. Ignore any effects after you ACT.
If the location has the Building or Dungeon trait use 1d12.
When this location is closed, discard this card. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
 Abaddon Fallen Angel is immune to Acid, Mental, and Poison traits.
Subtract 2 from each die rolled on your melee or ranged trait check to defeat this card.
If undefeated, leave this Henchman faceup on the location deck. Characters at this location encounter this barrier as their first exploration each turn. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
 A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
 A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
 A large abandoned crypt map, set in a snowy, hilly environment! ... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Pay What You Want

You gain advantages in certain scenarios.
Your Divine checks are increased by half the adventure deck number of the scenario,rounded
After you gain this card,choose and draw two cards from the following Loot cards : Phylactery of Faithfulness,Periapt of Wisdom +2,Necklace of Fireball and Lesser Strand of Prayer Beads. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
 If undefeated,display this card next to your character deck ; you cannot explore,play cards or move while this card is displayed.
While displayed,another character at your location, as their first exploration of the turn,may attempt a Combat check of difficulty 30 ; if successful,banish this card. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Aberrtions art from the Pathfinder Bestiary for use with Pathfinder Infinite community content.
These images can only be used in the Pathfinder Inifinite community content program. No other rights or permission is granted.
For more information on creating and publishing your own Pathfinder supplements visit PathfinderInfinite.com. ... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
The Abomination Vaults, Easier!
The Abomination Vaults Adventure Path is an extensive campaign in a sprawling megadungeon. Your players need the right tools to navigate its dangers, and you need the tools in this GM’s Guide to keep the action moving!
Inside, you'll find new mini-adventures that connect to the dungeon, new wandering factions, a checklist of all the side quest the campaign offers,... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
 The empty mansion moans, On High Street every midnight, It whispers and it groans, And eats up all the moonlight. The windows are all dark, The locks, they have all broken, So let’s go have a lark, And throw the front door open! Are you brave? Are you bold? Say goodbye, and face your fate, When you cross the threshold Of... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
![Abominations Under Absalom - PDF and Foundry VTT [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/5549/487415-thumb140.png) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Abominations Under Absalom Regular price: $30.00 Bundle price: $25.00 Format: PDF The empty mansion moans, On High Street every midnight, It whispers and it groans, And eats up all the moonlight. The windows are all dark, The locks, they have all broken, So let’s... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
$45.00 $40.00
 Run the exciting Abomination Vaults sequel, Abominations Under Absalom, on Foundry Virtual Tabletop! ... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
 [Pecker Rage]-On a roll of (15) or higher on a 20 sided die the dmg die is changed to 1D10+2
[Spicy Wings]-Sacrifice this pet to deal 1D20 Dmg to a target A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
 Every hero needs friends. And every group of friends needs a set of engines. How else will you race off to the edges of the galaxy, and save the day? Too bad you can’t afford them on your own. But one of your old friends has picked up a lead on a starship that you just might be able to "acquire". What's the harm in hearing them out at least?
Absalom Drift: Turbocharged... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Play this card to summon from the box a random, non-
villain monster, with the incorporeal trait. Any damage you take is mental damage and irreducible. You must pass the check unaided by other players. If you fail, discard this card.
If you succeed, examine the bottom 3 cards of your location deck. Put all 3 back together in any order either on top or on bottom of the location deck. Recharge this... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Discard this card to examine 3 random cards at a random location. You may take 1 irreducible mental damage to put them back on the top or bottom, otherwise shuffle them back into their deck.
You may take 1 irreducible mental damage to recharge this card instead of discarding it. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
 Presenting Acadamae student stock art! This piece is 8-1/2" x 11" at 300 DPI, and provided with a transparent background in .PNG, .PSD, and .TIF formats.
This content is released under the Pathfinder Infinite license and may be used for Pathfinder Infinite content. You may also use it for non-commercial purposes outside... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
 IF the Check to defeat has the Magic trait add 2d6.
1- UR dealt 1d4 mental damage that can't be reduced.
2,3- All damage is Piercing
4- Reset your hand and end your turn. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
 When examined, suffer 1 Acid damage.
Before acting, a local character
summons and encounters this monster,
treating # as 1 lower (minimum 0).
If undefeated, a random local character
suffers 1d6 Acid damage (maximum
#), then recharge this monster into its
location. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any check to recharge another card.
Discard this card to explore your location. You may recharge another, random card you would normally discard during that encounter.
Recharge this card instead, if you reveal another card with the Desna trait, or the top card of blessings discard pile has it. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
 Scattered collections of blankets, crates, barrels, and bedrolls lie in piles throughout this narrow, curving chamber. Moldy remains of clothing spill out of broken chests and torn sacks, and guano coats everything in the room. Four of the hammocks lining the walls are filled with thick knots of spider webbing, the dense strands cloaking piles of cracked yellow bones. A community created card... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
 If Cybernetic Body is displayed, display this card; you may not play this card during an encounter. After playing this card, if you have more than 3 cards that have the Skill Slot trait, recharge 1 of them.
While displayed, add 1 to Acrobatics checks. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
 If Cybernetic Body is displayed, display this card; you may not play this card during an encounter. After playing this card, if you have more than 3 cards that have the Skill Slot trait, recharge 1 of them.
While displayed, you gain the skill Acrobatics: Dexterity +1. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
 If Cybernetic Body is displayed, you may display this card; you may not play this card during an encounter. After playing this card, if you have more than 3 cards that have the Skill Slot trait, recharge 1 of them.
While displayed, you gain the skill Acrobatics: Dexterity +1. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
You must be or reveal a level 2 Bard to acquire and play this card. If not you may banish this card and draw a new spell.
Reveal an ally and search the box for an ally named in the revealed ally's powers text. Draw it and shuffle it into a random, open location.
Recharge this card on an Arcane or Divine 9 check. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
An Abode for Fighters is the first in a system of housing rules for the Fighter class found in Pathfinder 2e. Included are general rules, options, upgrades, and so on to make a livable dwelling for a lower-level Fighter. Also included is an accompanying system for Followers for the Fighter to keep both in and outside of their Abode.
Along with this Abode is a short quest to serve as an optional introduction... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
 This set of 24 action-symbol themed page borders are perfect for your Pathfinder Infinite product! with 12 designs each for A4 and Letter size pages, just pick the ones that speak to you. containes both page-side and fully enclosed borders, one-actions and free-action corners, solid, tapered, or three-action lines. Mix and match to your heart's content. Perfect to use as a mask for other colors or... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Recharge this card to attempt to acquire an ally. You may roll 1d10+3 (Arcane) in place of any skill. You may do this on any players turn.
Discard this card to draw the bottom card of your deck. Recharge it if you draw an Ally or a Magic trait boon.
Discard this card to explore your location. Recharge it if you acquire a Magic trait boon. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
 For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d10+1. If you aren't proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4. If you fail this check, you may discard this card to ignore the result and reroll the dice. You must take the second result.
If a monster has an effect that increases the difficulty of the check, ignore that effect. A community... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
 For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 2d6+2; you may additionally discard this card to add your Strength die. If you aren't proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4.
If a monster has a power that increases the difficulty to defeat, ignore that power. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
 When a shard of falling Starstone struck a crustacean off the coast of Azlant, a new ancestry was born: The Petania. Many-armed and still bearing the shells and claws of their aquatic ancestors, the Petania are a formidable folk -- and an exciting new addition to Golarian's roster.
As a Petania, you can use your large pincers to mimic weapons, changing their shape with every molt. Or use your mess... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Recharge this card to add 2d6 to your check to acquire an ally.
Recharge this card to recharge a Desna trait card at this location to it's deck.
Discard this card to explore your location. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |

You gain advantages in certain scenarios.
When you gain this card and after each Adventure, choose a bodyguard Cohort to start each scenario with for the rest of the Adventure,along with any other cohorts you already have.After each Adventure, new bodyguards will be available.After Adventure 4,you may choose two bodyguard Cohorts instead of one to start with. A community created card... [click here for more] |
Paizo |

Presented here are InDesign Template Pathfinder 1e useful to make PDFs for Pathfinder Infinite!
Inside you will find:
1 Letter template
60+ paragraphs styles with light GREP and nested styles to make redundant formatting faster
10 character styles
An example file showcasing what's possible with the template Paragraph styles and Parent Pages
and more!
Compatible with InDesign... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Presented here are InDesign Template Pathfinder 2e useful to make PDFs for Pathfinder Infinite!
Inside you will find:
1 Letter template
60+ paragraphs styles with light GREP and nested styles to make redundant formatting faster
6 character styles
An example file showcasing what's possible with the template Paragraph styles and Parent Pages
and more!
Compatible with InDesign... [click here for more] |
Paizo |

Presented here is the InDesign Template for Stafinder useful to make PDFs for Starfinder Infinite!
Inside you will find:
1 Letter template
45+ paragraphs styles with light GREP and nested styles to make redundant formatting faster
10 character styles
An example file showcasing what's possible with the template Paragraph styles and Parent Pages
and more!
Compatible with... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
![Adobe InDesign Templates [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/5549/408809-thumb140.jpg) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Adobe InDesign Template for Pathfinder 1e Regular price: $5.00 Bundle price: $3.75 Format: Multiple File Formats
Presented here are InDesign Template Pathfinder 1e useful to make PDFs for Pathfinder Infinite!
Inside you will find:
1 Letter template
60+ paragraphs styles with light GREP and nested... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
$15.00 $11.25
 Recharge this card to add 1d6 to a combat check at another location.
Bury this card to examine the top 4 cards of a location ; if one of those examined cards is a henchman or villain,you may put it on top of the location deck.
Discard this card to explore your location ; you may evade the card you encounter. A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
 A community created card built with the DriveThruCards card creator.
www.drivethrucards.com/builder/pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
What if language mattered?
This rules variant allows you to run a linguistically complex game and avoid the traditional binary choice of "I've never even heard of this language" and "I am a university literature professor in Elvish". The book separates scripts and written word from spoken languages, to make those ancient scrolls you find even more mysterious and alluring.
But why?
Traveling... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Pay What You Want
 If Cybernetic Body is displayed, you may display this card; you may not play this card during an encounter. After playing this card, if you have more than 3 cards that have the Skill Slot trait, recharge 1 of them.
While displayed, add 1 to Intelligence checks, and add half (rounded down) of the adventure deck number of the current scenario, if any, to any skills modified by another card with the... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
 With 20+ new skill and general feats, 20 new weapons, 2 new variant rules, and optional class errata to improve your playing experience, the Adventer's Archive: Book One brings you a plethora of brand new options to supplement your character(s).
Update (7 Aug 2023): Initial Pathbuilder2e implementation added (not yet including variant rules).
Update (27 Dec 2023):... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Welcome to Mythic Adventures! This 20-page document contains everything you need to implement Mythic rules in your Pathfinder 2nd Edition game. Meant to be as easy to include on both the physical and virtual tabletop, this collection of 80+ Mythic Feats 8 Mythic Archetypes pulls from existing Pathfinder 2nd Edition material. In addition, this product contains a short series of guidelines on including... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Pay What You Want
Command the power of the stars!
Use martial techniques to attune to the cosmos, bringing forth incredible magical power! Balance the explosive, aggressive Photon Mode with the utility-oriented, defensive Graviton Mode! Unleash potent magical abilities in a manner entirely unique to the Solarian!
This is an adaptation of Starfinder's Solarian class for Pathfinder Second Edition. As an adaptation,... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Pay What You Want