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Crafting Cheat-Sheet

Crafting Cheat-Sheet

Is the crafting system confusing to you? Does it take too much time for you to figure out how high your roll has to be to successfully craft something, or even how much it costs to get the formulae in the first place? Well honestly? Same. So, I designed this crafter's cheat-sheet, with most of the rules for crafting (at least the ones from the Player's Core books) all on one convenient page. Feedback...   [click here for more]
Paizo  Pay What You Want

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Kingmaker 2E Camp Meal Checklist/Cheat Sheet

Kingmaker 2E Camp Meal Checklist/Cheat Sheet

While my friends and I were running through the 2E version of Kingmaker, we discovered that remembering what recipes we had, which were our favorites, what buffs they gave, and what ingredients they needed all became too much of a headache, and referring to Archives of Nethys took even more time for this already long process. So I made this cheat-sheet, with all of the information easily accessibly...   [click here for more]
Paizo  Pay What You Want

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Party Inventory Sheet (PF2E)

Party Inventory Sheet (PF2E)

I noticed a distinct lack of party inventory sheets for Pathfinder 2E, so I decided to make one. It's very rough around the edges, as I made it in only an hour or so, and feedback is appreciated. 8-30-2024 Update: Made the formatting more clean and precise, named the sections better, and added more boxes. ...   [click here for more]
Paizo  Pay What You Want

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A Cold Brew

A Cold Brew

Wrap up warm because your players will have to scale mountains and trudge through knee-high snow (or waist-high if you're a halfling) in this adventure for players of any level, from 1 to 16! This adventure breaks encounters down by Creature Level and allows you to easily swap enemies if an adventure isn't going your way. Whether it's a bit too easy or way too hard, you can swap...   [click here for more]
Paizo  Pay What You Want

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The Goblin King's Heist

The Goblin King's Heist

Have you ever wanted to play the most chaotic adventure ever? Well, now you can! The Goblin King's Heist is a 9th-level one-shot/short adventure for three to nine characters! Each player becomes a member of the Pikbitz clan, hell-bent on robbing the King of the region, and stealing all his shiny gold! This adventure contains 12 different methods for infiltrating the castle and stealing the...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $2.95

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Hybrid Class: The Culinologist

Hybrid Class: The Culinologist

Practitioners of the culinary trade, culinologists take their craft seriously. So much in fact, most enroll into well respected magic academies that offer culinary arts. Culinologists spend quite a bit of their time studying food history and geography, food science, horticulture, arcane arts, culinary techniques, etiquette, and other skills needed for their trade. After graduating, culinologists are...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $3.99

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Gifts of Gold

Gifts of Gold

Gifts of Gold is series of weapons, feats, abilities, and spells that utlize gold coins. This packet includes: 1 Cursed weapon 2 Magic weapons 6 Feats/abilites 3 Spells If you're intrested in using gold as more as an element for roleplay than just merely purchasing items, then check this packet out! Note from the Author: "I'm very appreciative that you took the time to check this...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $4.99

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