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The Abomination Vaults, Easier!
The Abomination Vaults Adventure Path is an extensive campaign in a sprawling megadungeon. Your players need the right tools to navigate its dangers, and you need the tools in this GM’s Guide to keep the action moving!
Inside, you'll find new mini-adventures that connect to the dungeon, new wandering factions, a checklist of all the side quest the campaign offers,... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Have you ever been exploring the Mwangi Expanse and wanted an encounter but you didn't want to have to build one from scratch? In the Encounters of the Expanse, you can find several pre-built encounters for 2-6 players for levels 1-10! These encounters range from trivial to extreme and are accompanied by random encounter tables in case you need an encounter quickly. Each encounter comes with a short... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
City on the Frontier!
The city of Altameda is a haven for the people living in the harsh lands of Tazuni. Altameda serves as a gateway to the splendor—and the dangers—that the lands of Tazuni offer. Arcadia Files: Altameda details the city of Altameda, a hardy settlement located in the harsh deserts of western Arcadia. This product presents a history of the city, information... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Characters will often encounter pieces of paper when searching places and people. Often, these may be important, but important writings shouldn't be the only ones they find. There will be other jottings that people will have written or received. Here are 100 simple notes and letters, threats, orders and warnings, signs of wrongdoing, proof of conspiracies or the ravings of madmen that can be used to... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
The story of The Midwinter Festivals’ deck starts over a century ago when a young winter elf lass had a tryst with a human and ended up giving birth to her first child, a half-elf son named Kurteth. Growing up, Kurteth was bright and eventually joined a wizardly academy where he became quite accomplished. He kept in contact with his mother when he could, but spent most of his early years adventuring.... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Hexcrawling is simply a joy. Fun for gamesmasters and offering near infinite player agency, we need more hexcrawling in our Pathfinder games. Here you will find useful tables for building out the contents of hexes, some minor rules additions for things like long distance visibility, and a new subsystem called ‘dynamic difficulty’ to help ensure your Hexplorations fit within Pathfinder’s encounter... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Absalom is the City in The Center of The World. A place that has stood since ancient times, it's said that the whole of the Inner Sea revolves around the decisions made within the soaring spires, and that even a stone thrown in the gutters can ripple out into the world in unexpected ways. There are sights to see in Absalom that would be wondrous anywhere else, but which are little more than background... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Get the legendary Gunsmoke supplement for your foundry games! Perfect for your Outlaws of Alkenstar or cowboy based game with new firearms, ammunition, and more! Get it here! ... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Be a true Ghost Eater by gaining Ghostly Jaws that can bite, grab, and devour your ethereal foes.
Discover what binds your foes to this plane, steel yourself against frightful presences, and become a container for haunts to protect your allies. Manipulate daylight into a weapon against shadows, meld into the darkness that ghosts call home, and even if you close your eyes, the ghost eater won't be... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Pathfinder is a great game but can be confusing- try these cheat sheets to focus on what's important right away! Each one represents another step in the learning process of Pathfinder 2e.
BONUS: Incuded are "Tiny Character" sheets- character sheets that can be used for player characters without classes who are still learning the game. Use them with the Level 0 variant rule! ... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Pay What You Want
Get the Symbiote class for your foundry VTT games! ... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Anyone acquainted with Pathfinder knows that sometimes, all the numbers and tables on your character sheet can get a little overwhelming. Sometimes, it's a lot easier to write down the things you need and reference it, but making a cheat sheet that works is tricky. Worry no longer -- this pack contains a fillable PDF form & Word doc that condenses the most important parts of the character sheet... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Pay What You Want
The Ironclad class is now available for Foundry users! This is the Ironclad Class which can be found here ! ... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
This supplement has 100 rumours that characters could hear related to Magnimar, both within and without the city. Whether or not any particular rumour is true is up to the GameMaster. They could range from deliberate misinformation being spread to cause trouble to evidence of conspiracies and dangers. The rumours can be heard when asking for around for information and can be used as background colour... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
An immovable wall, foes batter against you like the sea against ancient cliffs. Such cliffs refuse to move, and even as they chip away, they stand resolute, unmoved, and ever vigilant. Against the hordes of opposition, you are a cliff they can neighter climb nor break, you are a stalwart defender. Brought from Pathfinder 1st edition into Pathfinder 2nd edtion, this archetype puts a direct focus on... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Explore the Rostov Hinterlands and the Greenbelt in greater detail than ever
* Expanded encounter descriptions
* Ideas for Empty hexes
* 2 Camspsite Maps
* 4 Battle Maps (Temple of the Elk, Oleg's Trading Post, Spider Den, Frogpond)
* Screenshots (first person views)
... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Dive into some Festive Fun!
When it comes to Pathfinder 2e, festivals, village fairs, and celebrations offer a wealth of opportunities to deepen player engagement and enrich the in-game world. "A Little Book of Festival Games" aims to provide just that — a touch more nuance and depth to these special occasions.
Instead of relying on basic strength checks or boring contests,... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
A guide to the Tuskwater region for the Kingmaker Adventure Path (2nd Edition includes)
- Revised and expanded encounter list
- Six new "Empty Hex" ideas that can be randonmly generated.
- A full bonus dungeon ; THE WITCHING WELL
OVER 50 MAP CONFIGURATIONS including Foundry, Roll20 ready files. A few bonus snowy maps locations include: Staglord Fort, Old Crackjaw,... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Pathfinder goblins are a little unpredictable: they like fire, shiny objects, and can often amuse their victims as much as their horrify them! As a game master, it can be difficut to decide what to make a goblin do when it's their turn to make them seem as spontaneous as possible.
Goblins are Unpredictable is a random table for game masters with 39 funny and strange behaviours for goblins to take... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Pay What You Want
If you've ever wondered what your spellcasters actually say when they cast a spell, here is your answer! This work is intended for use with Pathfinder 2e. It contains 48 spell incantations, their heightened forms, 10 metamgaic incantations, and two focus spells in Draconic, called Draklor by its own speakers. Included is a brief description of the pronunciation and relevant grammatical facts, as well... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
2 Campsite Maps (Bluff & Badlands)
Candlemere Island and Basement
Lizardking's Village
Silverstep Lake Battle Map
Scythe tree (with bonus animated map)
PLUS .....
Wandering Monsters (Expanded Table)
Ideas for Empty Hexes (Six new ones!)
... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
This supplement has 100 rumours that characters could hear related to the Impossible Lands, both within and without the region. Whether or not any particular rumour is true is up to the GameMaster. They could range from deliberate misinformation being spread to cause trouble to evidence of conspiracies and dangers. The rumours can be heard when asking for around for information and can be used as background... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
- Enhanced Random Encounters
- Two campsite maps (and movies!)
- Player screen shots
- Troll Lair upper and lower level maps
- Forgotten Keep (both levels)
... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Welcome to Super Heroes 2e for Pathfinder 2nd edition.
Deviant is the word that pathfinder 2nd edition uses to refer to super heroes. This supplement can be considered a standalone but you can also use it to expand the Deviant rules from the Dark Archive.
Super Heroes 2e adds 50 Deviant feats along with tons of boons and abilities. A parameter table for improving and customizing your own powers... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Exlore the Sellen Hills
Made for the Kingmake Adventure Path, this supplement feaetures improved encounters, ideas for empty hexes and maps of the Owlbear Lair, Draongleaft Gulch and a base of operations that the party can use in any Kingmaker Hex. Three locations mapped in 17 configurations just for you with Foundry and Roll20 ready files for the Owlbear Lair
... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Hand-drawn transparent spell template tokens that are compatible with Pathfinder 2e.
Just drop and resize them into your VTT and you are ready to go.
These templates include everything found in the Core Rulebook and then some.
Works with Roll20, Foundry, etc..
Cones, Bursts, Lines, Emanations assets included in the Zip file:
1x1... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Pathfinder ghouls are freaky. On one hand, they're intelligent and quick, can speak Common and can often remember their former lives. On the other hand, they have an insatiable craving for flesh! As a game master, multiple ghoul encounters might not inspire your players as much as it should, even if that's the natural result of ghoul infestation in your campaign.
Ghouls are Creepy is a random table... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Pay What You Want
This supplement has 100 rumours that characters could hear related to the Impossible Lands, both within and without the region. Whether or not any particular rumour is true is up to the GameMaster. They could range from deliberate misinformation being spread to cause trouble to evidence of conspiracies and dangers. The rumours can be heard when asking for around for information and can be used as background... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
To know the true name of a creature is said to give you power over it. Apart from that, many admire the beauty, complexity, or strength of he Draconic language as a basis for names. If you need to name a dragon in your homebrew campaign, or an NPC with a Draconic name, this is your answer! I you are a player who would like to give your character a Draconic name, this is your answer! Inside you'll find... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
12 Wilderness locations perfect for Kingmaker or just plain old wild encounters. Some have campsite versions - there are 60 MAPS in this set, featuring 12 locations
and mmore!!! All in Dungeon Alchemist - Foundry VTT and Roll20 ready ... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Adventuring, a pursuit fraught with danger and excitement, often leaves us yearning for solace after a strenuous day's toil. Amidst the perils that lurk, a devoted companion can work wonders in soothing the stress that accumulates. Yet, the harsh reality remains—our cherished furred darlings can't simply tag along on these daring escapades. Ogres and giants, regrettably, do not spare one's beloved... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
is not complete wiithout our unofficial guide to guide you!
* House Backgrounds provide addiitional house feats based on a character's house animal
* New backgrounds : demon hunter, giant hunter, ivory trader, nammoth speaker, and more!
* Ice-age animal companions: woolly mammoth, megatherium, glyptodon
* A gazateer of the Realm of... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Hail heroes! The end of days is nigh! Deep in the earth lies the seed of a primordial alien being, long incubated in the deepest part of the planet! The time has come for it to complete its life cycle and break free. following the trail of an ancient artifact, you must race across all of Golarion, collectng the lost lore of many cultures - and unlock the secrets that will prevent
THE... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Pay What You Want
Version 1.9 vom 27.07.2023 mit neuen Übersetzungen zu den Unfassbaren Landen und neuen Inhalten von Rage of Elements und Hochhelm
Version 1.8 vom 28.02.2023 mit neuen Übersetzungen zu den Dunklen Archiven
Version 1.7 vom 3.12.2022 mit neuen Übersetzungen zu Buch der Toten sowie neuen Abstammungen aus Impossible Lands
Version 1.6.: Aktualisierungen aus Zahnräder und Zunderbüchsen. Neue Herkunft... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
$2.05 $2.04
Giantkind make for fearsome foes, and those of their number capable of wielding magic all the more so! But what are they saying when they mutter the incantations that draw upon the forces of cold, darkness, and storm to lay waste to hapless adventurers? Or perhaps a magic-user in your party speaks the Jotun language and uses it to casts spells - what do they say? Wonder no more! Presented as part of... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
The time for heroes is now! Can you and your party of brave adventurers race across Golarion - facing countless dangers - and unlock the secrets that will prevent THE END OF DAYS...
The End of Days Player's Guide contains everything you need to prepare your character for the End of Days campaign. The guide contains information on ancestries and classes in Tsentarev plus a new Castle Backgrounds... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Pay What You Want
The map is barren without any of the locations, which can be added, from the "Lands of the Linnorm Kings". I've wanted to provide any future DMs that are going to use the map with the freedom they might need. Depending on the pull/success and based on the demand. I will consider modifying it for future use and with more "eye candy", however, this might be a future project or none at all. Do let me... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Pay What You Want
Herein is presented an unofficial interpretation of Ciravel, the iconic precog, from Starfinder. Built as a ranged support spellcaster, Ciravel uses her time magic and sniper rifle to assist her allies. Complete statistics for Ciravel are provided, ready to play, at levels 1, 4, and 8.
Read more about Ciravel and her backstory on the Paizo Blog, here! https://paizo.com/community/blog/v5748dyo6shx5?Meet-the-Iconics-Ciravel... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Pay What You Want
Venture into the Ruins of Gauntlight with our free item cards!
Have you ever pondered the hidden treasures concealed beneath the mysterious Gauntlight? Adventurers Arsenal is set to craft each and every item card essential for the Abomination Vaults adventure path - starting with book 1: Ruins of Gauntlight!
Ruins of Gauntlight: Complete Collection
The complete... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Pay What You Want
This wrecked ship or abandoned station is perfect for exploration - three levels complete with portals, hazards and strange machines for the party to explore...
... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
* 10 Maps; Day, Night, Grid, Gridless, Roof, Roofless and foggy versions included.
* A brief synopsis of farming in Ustalav and a new hazard! Plus 4 Adenture Hooks!
Perfect for a short encounter, home base, or place to stay
... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
A complete variant Adventure Path for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game's Skull and Shackles set!
Return to the pirate’s life as the legendary Bloodlust Corsairs! Old salts tell of a crew of bold privateers whose reckless greed earned them a dire curse—the curse of lycanthropy! Weresharks prowl the Shackles, completely given over to the murder and evil in their blood. But the doomed adventurers... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Pay What You Want
A complete variant Adventure Path for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game's Wrath of the Righteous and Skull and Shackles sets!
The Worldwound devastated the barbarian nation of Sarkoris, but before that cataclysm, Sarkoris had its own heroes and its own deadly villains. Journey back to the final days of Sarkoris, where demon cults skulked in the shadows, proud barbarians ruled their clans and cities,... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Pay What You Want
A complete variant Adventure Path for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game's Rise of the Runelords set!
Your hapless comrade Edron Rannick has learned he is a long lost noble scion and hereditary ruler of remote and mysterious Fort Rannick. You must help your friend oust the false claimants to his lands, purge the town under his charge of monsters and murderers, and host a treacherous convocation of... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Pay What You Want
* OVER 30 DIFFERENT VERSIONS; grid and gridless, day and night, roofted
* A brief synopsis of the Ustalav saw mill plus a few adventure hooks and...
* Two new hazards
...A deady fight around spinning blades and rushing creeks!
Ah, morning on the mill porch...
... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Welcome to your classic, horror-filled Ustalav Cemetery!
* 10 Map Versions (Day, Night, Grid, Gridless, Fog)
* Brief description with encounter / adventure hooks.
... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
When the cold autumn wind whips through the eastern Canterwall, it does more than stir the fallen leaves - It churns the sails of many a windmill, and grind the grain for the people. The Ustalav Windmill map features over 20 variations of the map - grid/gridless, roof/roffless, day/night and fog versions are provided along with a brief summary of mills in the region.
Hey! Lets... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Ustalav Tannery
OVER 30 VERSIONS! (Grid/Gridless Roof/Roofless Day/Night)
* A Brief guide to the Tannery
* Adventure hooks
* A new and horrible monster - The HORNED THING!
... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Venture into the Ruins of Gauntlight with our free item cards!
Have you ever pondered the hidden treasures concealed beneath the mysterious Gauntlight? Adventurers Arsenal is set to craft each and every item card essential for the Abomination Vaults adventure path - starting with book 1: Ruins of Gauntlight!
Ruins of Gauntlight: Chapter Two
Chapter 2 comprises 14... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Pay What You Want
Realm of the Mammoth Lords Map Pack
Get ready for exploring the realm in the Quest for the Frozen Flame adventure path
with these new maps from the Gremlin Brothers.
Lots of screen shots for story telling
25 files in all.
Maps provided in Grid and Gridless version, Roll20/VTT... [click here for more] |
Paizo |