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Pathfinder 2ª ed - Era de las cenizas 0 - Guía del jugador

Pathfinder 2ª ed - Era de las cenizas 0 - Guía del jugador

La ciudadela Altaerein es un castillo que corona la colina del Caballero Infernal, al este de Isger. Lleva abandonada muchos años, un legado de la Orden de Caballeros Infernales del Clavo que la población de la cercana población de Breachill ha ignorado hasta hoy en día. Pero cuando empiezan a arder extrañas fogatas en las almenas de la ciudadela, una goblin local y amiga de los ciudadanos de...   [click here for more]
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Pathfinder 2ª ed. - Bestiario

Pathfinder 2ª ed. - Bestiario

Desatad a las bestias Más de cuatrocientos de los enemigos de fantasía más feroces surgen de las páginas de este enorme compendio de las criaturas más populares y más comúnmente encontradas en el mundo de Pathfinder. Desde enemigos familiares como los orcos, los dragones y los vampiros hasta los nuevos horrores como el nilith (surgido de la esencia de las pesadillas) y el mukradi de tres cabezas,...   [click here for more]
Devir  $17.97

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Pathfinder 2ª ed. - Era de las cenizas 1 - La colina del caballero infernal

Pathfinder 2ª ed. - Era de las cenizas 1 - La colina del caballero infernal

El amanecer de una nueva era Hay fuegos ardiendo sobre la ciudadela en ruinas de la Colina del Caballero Infernal y las columnas de humo rojo que se elevan en el aire podrían ser una petición de socorro. En el interior de la antigua fortaleza esperan a ser descubiertos extraños invasores de una tierra lejana, misteriosas ruinas perdidas hace mucho tiempo y las maquinaciones de una oscura organización....   [click here for more]
Devir  $8.08

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Pathfinder 2ª ed. - Era de las cenizas 2 - La secta de las cenizas

Pathfinder 2ª ed. - Era de las cenizas 2 - La secta de las cenizas

Enfrentados a la Oscuridad La ciudadela en la cima de la Colina del Caballero Infernal ha sido ocupada, junto con el anillo de antiguos portales en su sótano. ¿Qué peligros moran más allá de este portal mágico, y qué tendrán preparado los sectarios que lo han usado antes? Sólo hay una forma de averiguarlo: ¡los héroes deben viajar a las tierras del otro lado, donde harán...   [click here for more]
Devir  $8.08

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Pathfinder 2ª ed. - Era de las cenizas 3 - El mañana debe arder

Pathfinder 2ª ed. - Era de las cenizas 3 - El mañana debe arder

¡El ascenso de un nuevo enemigo! La derrota de los sectarios Garras de ceniza ha revelado la existencia de un nuevo enemigo. El siniestro gremio de mercaderes, conocido como la Tríada Escarlata, quiere revitalizar el comercio de esclavos, y sus incursiones se vuelven cada vez más audaces. El injusto ataque a un pequeño pueblo obliga a los héroes a unirse al esfuerzo para evitar...   [click here for more]
Devir  $6.30

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Pathfinder 2ª ed. - Era de las cenizas 4 - Fuegos de la ciudad embrujada

Pathfinder 2ª ed. - Era de las cenizas 4 - Fuegos de la ciudad embrujada

E ¡Fuegos en el infierno! El rastro de la Tríada Escarlata, la organización esclavista detrás de una gran conspiración, conduce hasta las Montañas de los Cinco Reyes. Allí, en la ciudad subterránea de Saggorak, ha forjado una alianza con un aterrador dragón. Los héroes tendrán que moverse por un complejo panorama político para detenerlos, y tal vez formar...   [click here for more]
Devir  $6.30

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Pathfinder 2ª ed. - Fe de erratas (libro básico)

Pathfinder 2ª ed. - Fe de erratas (libro básico)

Fe de erratas, versión 1.3, marzo de 2023 ...   [click here for more]
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Pathfinder 2ª ed. - Golpe en la Gran Absalom

Pathfinder 2ª ed. - Golpe en la Gran Absalom

Es difícil vivir en las sombras cuando eres una criatura inteligente y regia como un kóbold. Ha llegado el momento de hacerte un nombre y aportar honor y prestigio a tu clan. En Golpe en la gran Absalom, adoptas el papel de uno de los cinco kóbolds del clan Zarpagancho encargados de explorar una bóveda cargada de tesoros descubierta por un equipo de excavadores Zarpagancho. Atraídos por la riqueza...   [click here for more]
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Pathfinder 2ª ed. - Guía de conversión

Pathfinder 2ª ed. - Guía de conversión

La Primera edición de Pathfinder es un juego robusto que pone a tu disposición diez años de reglas y de opciones, y que dispone de un enorme catálogo de estirpes, clases, dotes, conjuros, objetos mágicos y criaturas en los que basarte para crear personajes y relatos para la nueva edición del juego. Si bien convertir algunas de las elecciones más comunes de personajes y de criaturas...   [click here for more]
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Pathfinder 2ª ed. - Guía de dirección del juego

Pathfinder 2ª ed. - Guía de dirección del juego

¡Haz más tuya tu partida! Como Director de juego de una campaña de Pathfinder, tú eres el arquitecto de las aventuras de tus jugadores, una responsabilidad gratificante, pero a veces muy exigente. ¡Con este libro, tu trabajo será mucho más fácil! Tanto si creas tus propios monstruos y aventuras, como si buscas nuevos subsistemas para representar persecuciones cinemáticas o infiltraciones...   [click here for more]
Devir  $17.97

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Pathfinder 2ª ed. - Guía del mundo de Presagios Perdidos

Pathfinder 2ª ed. - Guía del mundo de Presagios Perdidos

Reclama tu destino Esta guía imprescindible al mundo de Pathfinder presenta todo lo que necesitas saber para llevar una vida de aventuras en la incierta Era de los Presagios Perdidos. El dios de la humanidad ha muerto y la profecía se ha roto, dejando que los héroes aventureros como vosotros os labréis vuestro propio destino en un futuro incierto. Este atlas recorre diez regiones diversas,...   [click here for more]
Devir  $13.47

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Pathfinder 2ª ed. - Pantalla del Director de juego

Pathfinder 2ª ed. - Pantalla del Director de juego

¡Ten a mano las reglas más cruciales y protege tus notas y tus tiradas de los ojos de los jugadores con la Pantalla del DJ de Pathfinder! Esta hermosa pantalla apaisada de cuatro paneles muestra el deslumbrante material gráfico de Ekaterina Burmak por el lado de los jugadores, y una gran cantidad de gráficos y tablas por el lado del DJ para acelerar el juego y reducir el tiempo...   [click here for more]
Devir  $6.75

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Pathfinder 2ª ed. - Reglas básicas

Pathfinder 2ª ed. - Reglas básicas

¡Esta completa guía del Juego de rol Pathfinder te proporciona todo lo que necesitas para crear un mundo ilimitado de aventuras fantásticas! ¡Elige entre ascendencias como elfo, humano y goblin, y clases de personaje como alquimista, guerrero y hechicero para crear un héroe de tu propio diseño, destinado a convertirse en leyenda! ¡Las nuevas reglas de Pathfinder son fáciles de aprender y aún...   [click here for more]
Devir  $22.45

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Pathfinder 2ª ed.- Hoja de personaje

Pathfinder 2ª ed.- Hoja de personaje

Hoja de personaje completa para la 2º edición de Pathfinder. Incluye espacio para dotes y aptitudes, así como espacio para conjuros y notas de la campaña ...   [click here for more]
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100 Books To Find Across The Inner Sea

100 Books To Find Across The Inner Sea

In many fantasy settings, books are considered something of a rarity. Even if the general populace is considered literate (which isn't always a given), books tend to be thought of as a luxury good enjoyed only by nobles, scholars and the occasional wizard. Golarion, however, has active printing presses all over the setting... as such, books are everywhere! We've seen all kinds of examples of this...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $2.49

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100 Hooks and Rumours for the Impossible Lands

100 Hooks and Rumours for the Impossible Lands

This supplement has 100 rumours that characters could hear related to the Impossible Lands, both within and without the region. Whether or not any particular rumour is true is up to the GameMaster. They could range from deliberate misinformation being spread to cause trouble to evidence of conspiracies and dangers. The rumours can be heard when asking for around for information and can be used as background...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $1.99

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100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in or About Magnimar

100 Hooks and Rumours to Hear in or About Magnimar

This supplement has 100 rumours that characters could hear related to Magnimar, both within and without the city. Whether or not any particular rumour is true is up to the GameMaster. They could range from deliberate misinformation being spread to cause trouble to evidence of conspiracies and dangers. The rumours can be heard when asking for around for information and can be used as background colour...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $1.99

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100 Knick-knacks for Magnimar

100 Knick-knacks for Magnimar

This is a collection of minor items that could be found in the possession of NPCs, or perhaps given to a PC when they are created. None have any definite value or meaning, unless the GameMaster decides otherwise, though some can be considered to be magic items. They can be used as oddities to spark ideas or could be something to be investigated further. This PDF supports Adobe layers and the page...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $1.25

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100 Notes and Letters to Find in Magnimar

100 Notes and Letters to Find in Magnimar

Characters will often encounter pieces of paper when searching places and people. Often, these may be important, but important writings shouldn't be the only ones they find. There will be other jottings that people will have written or received. Here are 100 simple notes and letters, threats, orders and warnings, signs of wrongdoing, proof of conspiracies or the ravings of madmen that can be used to...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $1.49

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150 Sights To See (And Rumors To Hear) In Absalom

150 Sights To See (And Rumors To Hear) In Absalom

Absalom is the City in The Center of The World. A place that has stood since ancient times, it's said that the whole of the Inner Sea revolves around the decisions made within the soaring spires, and that even a stone thrown in the gutters can ripple out into the world in unexpected ways. There are sights to see in Absalom that would be wondrous anywhere else, but which are little more than background...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $2.99

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17th Level: Core

17th Level: Core

17th Level is a collection of new ancestry feats for high level play. These feats aim to make high level PCs more varied and diverse. Core contains two new ancestry feats for each of the ancestries in the Pathfinder 2nd Edition Core Rulebook, as well as a bonus feat that can be selected by divine characters of any ancestry.    Layout by Jason Keeley Template by Nathanaël Roux —   [click here for more]
Paizo  $3.00

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2nd Edition Class: The Theorist

2nd Edition Class: The Theorist

Have you ever dreamed of wielding spells of every tradition? Did you want to copy that one spell your enemy had cast and that made your fight a nightmare? Well, may I present to you, the Theorist. With the Theorist, you have many powers to wield, from the divine to the occult, but choose wisely in which you specialize! With the Opposition connection with magic, specialize yourself in counterspelling;...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $2.99

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A Cold Brew

A Cold Brew

Wrap up warm because your players will have to scale mountains and trudge through knee-high snow (or waist-high if you're a halfling) in this adventure for players of any level, from 1 to 16! This adventure breaks encounters down by Creature Level and allows you to easily swap enemies if an adventure isn't going your way. Whether it's a bit too easy or way too hard, you can swap...   [click here for more]
Paizo  Pay What You Want

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A Family Matter

A Family Matter

An Exciting New Piece of Pathfinder Fiction When an elderly paladin of Iomadae is called to confront an ancient family curse, he will need more than a strong sword arm if he's to keep his loved ones safe. Pitor was humming a hymn under his breath when a purple crack fractured its way across the empty space at the rear of the temple. One moment there had been nothing. The next, a sickly light...   [click here for more]
Paizo  Pay What You Want

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A Little Book of Festival Games

A Little Book of Festival Games

Dive into some Festive Fun!   When it comes to Pathfinder 2e, festivals, village fairs, and celebrations offer a wealth of opportunities to deepen player engagement and enrich the in-game world. "A Little Book of Festival Games" aims to provide just that — a touch more nuance and depth to these special occasions. Instead of relying on basic strength checks or boring contests,...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $1.99

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A Lurker's Subclasses, Extra

A Lurker's Subclasses, Extra

We find ourselves on the cusp of a Remaster, but some classes find themselves left out in the cold. One of them is Champion, which has only have 6 subclasses for 9 Alignments. So I am here to fix that, by adding in some neutral Champions. Samurai, Mediator, and Trickster, come and see the options which were never given to us. Considering Samurai is a Reprint, making this to be sold as a package with...   [click here for more]
Paizo  Pay What You Want

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A Lurker's Subclasses, Vol I

A Lurker's Subclasses, Vol I

Come and explore the fruits of overthinking and obessiveness, A book devoted to creating a subclass for each class. Here in Vol I, we look at the base classes, giving everything from a Lawful Neutral Champion to a Druid who makes the night their own, from a cleric and their animal companion to the most fashionable wizards you can imagine, come and take a look at 10 different subclasses as well as matching...   [click here for more]
Paizo  Pay What You Want

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A Lurker's Subclasses, Vol I + Extra [BUNDLE]

A Lurker's Subclasses, Vol I + Extra [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. A Lurker's Subclasses, Extra Regular price: $0.50 Bundle price: $0.00 Format: PDF We find ourselves on the cusp of a Remaster, but some classes find themselves left out in the cold. One of them is Champion, which has only have 6 subclasses for 9 Alignments. So I am here to fix that, by adding in some neutral...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $7.50 $7.00

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A Lurker's Subclasses, Vol II

A Lurker's Subclasses, Vol II

Could not stop at just one, could not leave out some of by favorite classes. Here in Vol II, we look at the classes from the Advanced Players Guide, Secrets of Magic, Guns and Gears, and the Dark Archive. Inside, find the Investigators who master magic and Divas amoung Witches, to Psychics powered by forgotfulness to Inventors on horseback, come and take a look at 10 different subclasses as well as...   [click here for more]
Paizo  Pay What You Want

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A Lurker's Subclasses, Vol IV

A Lurker's Subclasses, Vol IV

With the upcoming Tian Xia Lost Omens book, we bring you a special editions of A Lurker's Subclasses. Here, we look at East Asia, the nations of out world, and use the ideas to draft more Eastern-inspired subclasses. We have reprints of favorites, like the Samurai Champion and the Magistrate Investigator. We have some obvious additions, like Guru Clerics, Horselord Barbarians, and Ninja Archetype....   [click here for more]
Paizo  Pay What You Want

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A Poppet's Playthings

A Poppet's Playthings

NOW COMES WITH FOUNDRY SUPPORT! (It's coded as best as I could but some functionality may be missing) Do you stay up late at night, looking through at your copy of The Grand Bazaar just in case new Poppet options magically appeared? Me too!  But don't worry, I have decided to take this crisis into my own hands and make a mini compendium just for you Poppet fanatics out there. Featuring: - Five...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $2.50

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A surprise for you

A surprise for you

A surprise is waiting for you inside. ...   [click here for more]
Paizo   FREE 

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Abandoned Crypt Map

Abandoned Crypt Map

A large abandoned crypt map, set in a snowy, hilly environment! ...   [click here for more]
Paizo  Pay What You Want

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Abomination Vaults GMs Guide

Abomination Vaults GMs Guide

The Abomination Vaults, Easier! The Abomination Vaults Adventure Path is an extensive campaign in a sprawling megadungeon. Your players need the right tools to navigate its dangers, and you need the tools in this GM’s Guide to keep the action moving! Inside, you'll find new mini-adventures that connect to the dungeon, new wandering factions, a checklist of all the side quest the campaign offers,...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $5.99

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Abominations Under Absalom

Abominations Under Absalom

The empty mansion moans, On High Street every midnight, It whispers and it groans, And eats up all the moonlight. The windows are all dark, The locks, they have all broken, So let’s go have a lark, And throw the front door open! Are you brave? Are you bold? Say goodbye, and face your fate, When you cross the threshold Of...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $30.00

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Abominations Under Absalom - PDF and Foundry VTT [BUNDLE]

Abominations Under Absalom - PDF and Foundry VTT [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. Abominations Under Absalom Regular price: $30.00 Bundle price: $25.00 Format: PDF The empty mansion moans, On High Street every midnight, It whispers and it groans, And eats up all the moonlight. The windows are all dark, The locks, they have all broken, So let’s...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $45.00 $40.00

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Abominations Under Absalom Foundry VTT Support

Abominations Under Absalom Foundry VTT Support

Run the exciting Abomination Vaults sequel, Abominations Under Absalom, on Foundry Virtual Tabletop! ...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $15.00

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Acting GM's An Abode for Fighters

Acting GM's An Abode for Fighters

An Abode for Fighters is the first in a system of housing rules for the Fighter class found in Pathfinder 2e. Included are general rules, options, upgrades, and so on to make a livable dwelling for a lower-level Fighter. Also included is an accompanying system for Followers for the Fighter to keep both in and outside of their Abode. Along with this Abode is a short quest to serve as an optional introduction...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $4.99

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Action Page Borders -24 layout assets

Action Page Borders -24 layout assets

This set of 24 action-symbol themed page borders are perfect for your Pathfinder Infinite product! with 12 designs each for A4 and Letter size pages, just pick the ones that speak to you. containes both page-side and fully enclosed borders, one-actions and free-action corners, solid, tapered, or three-action lines. Mix and match to your heart's content. Perfect to use as a mask for other colors or...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $2.99

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Additional Ancestries: Petania

Additional Ancestries: Petania

When a shard of falling Starstone struck a crustacean off the coast of Azlant, a new ancestry was born: The Petania. Many-armed and still bearing the shells and claws of their aquatic ancestors, the Petania are a formidable folk -- and an exciting new addition to Golarian's roster. As a Petania, you can use your large pincers to mimic weapons, changing their shape with every molt. Or use your mess...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $4.00

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Adobe InDesign Template for Pathfinder 2e

Adobe InDesign Template for Pathfinder 2e

Presented here are InDesign Template Pathfinder 2e useful to make PDFs for Pathfinder Infinite! Inside you will find: 1 Letter template 60+ paragraphs styles with light GREP and nested styles to make redundant formatting faster 6 character styles An example file showcasing what's possible with the template Paragraph styles and Parent Pages and more!   Compatible with InDesign...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $5.00

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Adobe InDesign Templates [BUNDLE]

Adobe InDesign Templates [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. Adobe InDesign Template for Pathfinder 1e Regular price: $5.00 Bundle price: $3.75 Format: Multiple File Formats Presented here are InDesign Template Pathfinder 1e useful to make PDFs for Pathfinder Infinite! Inside you will find: 1 Letter template 60+ paragraphs styles with light GREP and nested...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $15.00 $11.25

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Advanced Languages & Literacy

Advanced Languages & Literacy

What if language mattered? This rules variant allows you to run a linguistically complex game and avoid the traditional binary choice of "I've never even heard of this language" and "I am a university literature professor in Elvish". The book separates scripts and written word from spoken languages, to make those ancient scrolls you find even more mysterious and alluring. But why? Traveling...   [click here for more]
Paizo  Pay What You Want

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Adventurer's Archive: Book One

Adventurer's Archive: Book One

With 20+ new skill and general feats, 20 new weapons, 2 new variant rules, and optional class errata to improve your playing experience, the Adventer's Archive: Book One brings you a plethora of brand new options to supplement your character(s). Update (7 Aug 2023): Initial Pathbuilder2e implementation added (not yet including variant rules). Update (27 Dec 2023):...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $3.99

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Adventurers in Golarion: Mythic Heroes

Adventurers in Golarion: Mythic Heroes

Welcome to Mythic Adventures! This 20-page document contains everything you need to implement Mythic rules in your Pathfinder 2nd Edition game. Meant to be as easy to include on both the physical and virtual tabletop, this collection of 80+ Mythic Feats 8 Mythic Archetypes pulls from existing Pathfinder 2nd Edition material.  In addition, this product contains a short series of guidelines on including...   [click here for more]
Paizo  Pay What You Want

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Adventurers in Golarion: The Solarian

Adventurers in Golarion: The Solarian

Command the power of the stars! Use martial techniques to attune to the cosmos, bringing forth incredible magical power! Balance the explosive, aggressive Photon Mode with the utility-oriented, defensive Graviton Mode! Unleash potent magical abilities in a manner entirely unique to the Solarian! This is an adaptation of Starfinder's Solarian class for Pathfinder Second Edition. As an adaptation,...   [click here for more]
Paizo  Pay What You Want

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Adventures in Jalmeray

Adventures in Jalmeray

4th-level Impossible Lands adventures from an all-Desi design team! Venture to the island of Jalmeray where an adventuring party has unleashed an ancient curse that threatens to consume a city. The streets of Prada Hanam run with blood as scheming nobles and desperate merchants clash, while in the shadows a rakshasa with delusions of godhood schemes to reshape society in his image....   [click here for more]
Paizo  $11.99

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Adventures of the Twilight Talons 1 The Devil's in the Details

Adventures of the Twilight Talons 1 The Devil's in the Details

The Twilight Talons are the covert agency of Andoran's military. In the first adventure of this campaign, the Talons investigate the assassination of Andoran's most famous general and it leads them to a rebel faction within Cheliax. ...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $1.99

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Adventures of the Twilight Talons 10 Written in the Scars

Adventures of the Twilight Talons 10 Written in the Scars

The PCs travel to the Scar of Sarkoris to fight demons in this conclusion to the Adventures of the Twilight Talons campaign ...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $1.99

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Adventures of the Twilight Talons 2 Get the Dead Out

Adventures of the Twilight Talons 2 Get the Dead Out

Paizo  $1.99

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