Inspired by the hit Pokémon video game.
This guide is an accompaniment to the Pokémon Inspired Weapons and Items Collection, expanding on the items' evolution mechanics, including how to incorporate it into adventures and your own items, special items that can be used for special evolutions, the new weapon types that are used in the collection, and an index of all the items in the collection.... [click here for more]
Happy Shirranukkah! This adventure toolkit contains several new winter-themed additions to the Starfinder roleplaying game.
Shirranukkah celebrates the story of the Rewelcoming, when the Shirren returned to the worship of their god Hylax after breaking from their hive mind known as The Swarm. Inside this toolkit you'll find a full description of Shirranukkah, how it's celebrated,... [click here for more]
Need an interesting NPC for your starfinder setting, I got you. Blil will fit into any setting and he has an interesting problem.
This book contains
- An NPC with a backstory
- 3 pieces of equipment (1 unique) ... [click here for more]