Fabled, yet known only by the initiated few, the Aetherial Loom is a legendary artefact. It consists of three key elements: the Loom itself, the Weaver, and the Shuttle. The Loom spins the threads of existence out of nothingness, these threads are passed on to the Weaver, who defines the patterns and structures into which the fates align, using the Shuttle, which through the inevitability of time finds... [click here for more]
Calistria’s temple in Mivon is a place of abundant affection – at least, it is for those bearing gold. Unfortunately, Edmund Boyle was born penniless, the unwanted son of a temple prostitute. As the years pass, he finds few friends, much hardship, and a fierce devotion to the Goddess who extolls the virtues of revenge. When – after years at sea – his long-lost father returns to the temple... [click here for more]