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Smoke & Sail Foundry Support

Smoke & Sail Foundry Support

Now even easier to sail the high seas and engage in exciting naval combat! 1. Navigation Skill Feats-- For building your PCs with the Navigation skill and skill feats. 2. Ships - Statted out NPC sheets of the 9 ships in Smoke and Sails. 3. Crew Actions - All of the possible officer and crew actions. 4. Treasure - All treasure listed in Smoke and Sails as well as the weapons from the various ships....   [click here for more]
Paizo  $4.99

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Eldritch Expansion: Ghost Eater Expansion

Eldritch Expansion: Ghost Eater Expansion

Be a true Ghost Eater by gaining Ghostly Jaws that can bite, grab, and devour your ethereal foes. Discover what binds your foes to this plane, steel yourself against frightful presences, and become a container for haunts to protect your allies. Manipulate daylight into a weapon against shadows, meld into the darkness that ghosts call home, and even if you close your eyes, the ghost eater won't be...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $2.99

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Kingmaker - Rostov Hinterlands and the Greenbelt

Kingmaker - Rostov Hinterlands and the Greenbelt

KINGMAKER: ROSTOV HINTERLANDS AND THE GREENBELT Explore the Rostov Hinterlands and the Greenbelt in greater detail than ever * Expanded encounter descriptions * Ideas for Empty hexes * 2 Camspsite Maps * 4 Battle Maps (Temple of the Elk, Oleg's Trading Post, Spider Den, Frogpond) * Screenshots (first person views) ...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $6.99

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Kingmaker - Tuskwater

Kingmaker - Tuskwater

 KINGMAKER - TUSKWATER A guide to the Tuskwater region for the Kingmaker Adventure Path (2nd Edition includes) - Revised and expanded encounter list - Six new "Empty Hex" ideas that can be randonmly generated. - A full bonus dungeon ; THE WITCHING WELL  OVER 50 MAP CONFIGURATIONS including Foundry, Roll20 ready files.  A few bonus snowy maps  locations include: Staglord Fort, Old Crackjaw,...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $7.99

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Kingmaker - Kamelands

Kingmaker - Kamelands

KINGMAKER - THE KAMELANDS!     OVER 50 MAP VARIANTS! 2 Campsite Maps (Bluff & Badlands) Candlemere Island and Basement Lizardking's Village Mudbowl Silverstep Lake Battle Map Scythe tree (with bonus animated map) PLUS ..... Wandering Monsters (Expanded Table) Ideas for Empty Hexes (Six new ones!) ...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $6.99

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Kingmaker Nalrmarches

Kingmaker Nalrmarches

HE NALMARCHES ARE HERE FOR KINGMAKER ADVENTURE PATH! - Enhanced Random Encounters - Two campsite maps (and movies!) - Player screen shots - Troll Lair upper and lower level maps - Forgotten Keep (both levels) MAPS ARE FOUNDRY AND ROLL20 READY, WITH GRID, ORTHOGRAPHIC, GRIDLESS VERSIONS LOTS AND LOTS OF MAPS!! ...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $6.99

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Kingmaker - Sellen Hills

Kingmaker - Sellen Hills

Exlore the Sellen Hills Made for the Kingmake Adventure Path, this supplement feaetures improved encounters, ideas for empty hexes and maps of the Owlbear Lair, Draongleaft Gulch and a base of operations that the party can use in any Kingmaker Hex.  Three locations mapped in 17 configurations just for you with Foundry and Roll20 ready files for the Owlbear Lair ...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $6.99

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Starship Maps III

Starship Maps III

STARSHIP MAPS III Our third set of ship maps features hover trains, wheeled transports, and ships of all kinds, asteroids, space stations.  Lots of places for the party to explore, and ships to pilot. All come in grid and gridless maps. ...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $2.99

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Golarion's Wild Places

Golarion's Wild Places

GORALIONS WILD PLACES 12 Wilderness locations perfect for Kingmaker or just plain old wild encounters.  Some have campsite versions - there are 60 MAPS in this set, featuring 12 locations BANDIT CAMP DRUID GROVE COASTAL  BRAIDED RIVER JUNGLE RIVER JUNGLE CAMP and mmore!!! All in Dungeon Alchemist - Foundry VTT and Roll20 ready ...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $5.99

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Starfinder 3 Level Ship Map

Starfinder 3 Level Ship Map

This wrecked ship or abandoned station is perfect for exploration - three levels complete with portals, hazards and strange machines for the party to explore... GRID/GRIDLESS FOUNDRY, ROLL20 - VTT READY!! TONS OF SCREEN SHOTS ...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $4.99

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Age of Ashes: Treasury

Age of Ashes: Treasury

This is a list of all the treasures that the heroes can find in the Age of Ashes Adventure Path, separated by the individual adventure and chapter within that adventure. It is important to note that there are no new items being presented in this book. This book is intended for the convenience of the Game Masters out there, who want to know what treasures their players’ characters can find within...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $2.00

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