Beware the Unraveling Curse!
A soft rain falls from a darkened sky, watering the barren earth among the broken remains of this once-heinous structure. Suddenly, a hand bursts from beneath the rubble, reaching and grasping skyward. With effort, the dirty and bedraggled person pulls themselves from beneath the stony ruins, gripping their hard-earned riches tightly. The mortal wound on their... [click here for more]
Attention all Pathfinder 2e GMs!
Do you have on hand Paizo's awesome Pathfinder Flip-Mat Classics: Theater map? Are you looking for an encounter to utilise said map? Or do you want to run a quick encounter based around undead or demoic forces and set it in a unique location?
Look no further friends! For here we have Theatrum Immortuorum,... [click here for more]