Let your mind go wild!
In this primal expansion for everyone's favorite occult powerhouse, expand your psychic options with... Two new subconscious minds allow you draw on the power of your Wisdom and empathic abilities. Two new conscious minds that grant you powerful, nature-inspired abilities. Use the power of your mind to shapeshift into powerful animal forms, or turn your negative thoughts into... [click here for more]
GOLARION'S PREMIER TRAVEL MAGAZINEUPDATED FOR THE REMASTER! Welcome to the inaugural issue of the Queerfinder Society's travel magazine, a guide to Golarion from queer creators and allies focused on queer characters and stories! Our goal is to create diverse and inclusive content to support the games at your table, whether it's a one shot or an ongoing campaign. Plus, we've... [click here for more]
GOLARION'S PREMIER TRAVEL MAGAZINEWelcome to the second issue of the Queerfinder Society's travel magazine, a guide to Golarion from queer creators and allies focused on queer characters and stories! Our goal is to create diverse and inclusive content to support the games at your table, whether it's a one shot or an ongoing campaign. As we prepare to put a bow on another winter,... [click here for more]
All your needs for autoscaling skill proficiencies are solved with the Skill Monkey Archetype!
This single-page booklet contains the Skill Monkey Archetype which is all about gaining more skills proficiencies and skill feats. The dedication allows you to select a skill you're trained and that skill automatically scales in proficiency as you level up similar to the Acrobat dedication.... [click here for more]
"We swear on Vigil's Shattered Walls, Our Crimson Oath: The Tyrant Falls!"
Learn the secrets of the Order of the Callimancers who fought to defend Absalom against the forces of the Whispering Tyrant! This expansion to Lost Omens: The Grand Bazaar and Infiknight Archetypes: Spell Tricksters focuses on spells and lore first appearing in Lost Omens: Knights of Lastwall!
32 new... [click here for more]
A rare pan-religious holiday celebration on Golarion, the Sun Solstice Jubilation is a holiday dedicated to worship and appreciation of the sun that takes place all day on the summer solstice. Throughout Avistan, Garund, and Tian Xia the festival, which usually takes place on a beach, is a day for sun worshippers of different faiths and philosophies to come together and appreciate the sun. Disparate... [click here for more]
Welcome to Super Heroes 2e for Pathfinder 2nd edition.
Deviant is the word that pathfinder 2nd edition uses to refer to super heroes. This supplement can be considered a standalone but you can also use it to expand the Deviant rules from the Dark Archive.
Super Heroes 2e adds 50 Deviant feats along with tons of boons and abilities. A parameter table for improving and customizing your own powers... [click here for more]
Break the rules of the world with the Trickster Mythic Destiny!Now with Free Foundry VTT Support!
The Mythic Trickster is focused on using skills to their fullest and breaking the rules. Inspired by the Trickster Mythic Path from Owlcat's Wrath of the Righteous CRPG and the Pathfinder 1st edition Trickster Mythic Path.
This expansion includes:... [click here for more]