Into the Woods! This paper miniature set contains heroic companions fromthe Owlcat cRPG adaptation of the Kingmaker adventure path. Print and build 16 unique and brightly colored paper models for your tabletop or virtual roleplaying games.
Kingmaker: Hero Paper Minis includes the following NPCs: Amiri, Tristan, Valerie, Kaessi (Kalikke and Kanerah), Regongar, Octavia, Ekundayo,... [click here for more]
Do you want paper miniatures for the electric Starfinder Society scenario, Star Sugar Heartlove!!!? Of course you do! Download these minis for free or pay what you want! ... [click here for more]
Greetings Skittermanders!
This is something I wish I had at a convention and after a few years tinkering in the 3d model space I present to you all the Starfinder Iconic characters in kit card form. These are ideal to print out and take with to a game or for GM's that need some extra pawns on the board. Based on the silhouettes of the iconics some were more challenging than others... [click here for more]
Forward to the Fifth Crusade! This paper miniature set contains heroic companions from both the original Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous adventure path and the Owlcat cRPG adaptation. Print and build 23 unique and brightly colored paper models for your tabletop or virtual roleplaying games.
Wrath of the Righteous: Hero Paper Minis includes the following NPCs: Arushalae, Camellia,... [click here for more]