This short story, The Scarlet Blockade, follows the crew of the Fawn on their way back from Swarm infested lands. Their mission is to transport the injured to Absalom Station via the Drift, but they encounter an obstacle along their way that will test their strength, will and morality. ... [click here for more]
This flash fiction story follows a girl on what she imagined to be a fairly straightforward adventure, but things are not so simple out in space. ... [click here for more]
A villainous tale of evil vs evil in the iconic world of Golarion! An Inquisitor of Asmodeus is sent back to the land of his birth to investigate a growing force that threatens to overtake not only Isger but potentially all of Golarion itself.
This is part 4 of a serialized novel.
Available in PDF, ePub, and MOBI formats.
Part 1 Availalbe Here ... [click here for more]
A villainous tale of evil vs evil in the iconic world of Golarion! An Inquisitor of Asmodeus is sent back to the land of his birth to investigate a growing force that threatens to overtake not only Isger but potentially all of Golarion itself.
This is part 3 of a serialized novel.
Available in PDF, ePub, and MOBI formats.
Part 1 Availalbe Here ... [click here for more]
A villainous tale of evil vs evil in the iconic world of Golarion! An Inquisitor of Asmodeus is sent back to the land of his birth to investigate a growing force that threatens to overtake not only Isger but potentially all of Golarion itself.
This is part 2 of a serialized novel.
Available in PDF, ePub, and MOBI formats.
Part 1 Availalbe Here ... [click here for more]
A story for Pathfinders young and old. Follow the Catfolk Swashbuckler, Mourka, as he leaves his Catfolk tribe and his lifelong home in the Mwangi Expanse on the his first adventure. After encountering some friendly travelers, Mourka crosses through the wastelands of Nex and encounters challenges along the way. This story was written for middle school aged children to enjoy the world of Golarion.... [click here for more]