GET YOUR GLITTER ON! Show your glitter pride with this explosion of player options from the bestselling Pathfinder production team Eldritch Osiris Games with a portion of proceeds from each sale benefiting the release of future Queerfinder Society travel supplements!:
Glitters Versatile Heritage with 15 feats for levels 1-17!
29 General and Class Feats covering the range of... [click here for more]
GOLARION'S PREMIER TRAVEL MAGAZINEWelcome to the second issue of the Queerfinder Society's travel magazine, a guide to Golarion from queer creators and allies focused on queer characters and stories! Our goal is to create diverse and inclusive content to support the games at your table, whether it's a one shot or an ongoing campaign. As we prepare to put a bow on another winter,... [click here for more]