Something is amiss in the Echo Wood! Join the Agents of The Bureau of Research and Investigation of Aliens in Numeria (B.R.I.A.N.) as they investigate possible spaceship sightings in a spooky forest, at night, in autumn. It's definitely not ghosts. There's no such thing as ghosts. Garrett Burrwaddle, the bleachling gnome director of B.R.I.A.N. must have his proof of the ongoing alien... [click here for more]
After losing her husband, long-retired wizard Mildred Dubois had no one in this world. Loneliness chilled her old bones, until she met the dire rat in her basement. She will do anything in her limited power to keep the creature safe and fed, but he hasn't come up her basement stairs to eat for three days straight. Now she seeks help finding her precious rat. A Missing Rat Problem... [click here for more]
Your herores are stranded on a mysterious (and delicious) planet while investigating a distress signal. With their ship inoperable, there is no other option but to traverse the dangers of the confection-filled forest and follow the signal to its source!
Help for the Holidays includes:
A short holiday themed adventure for 4-5 level 3 players.
3 new themed items
A primer on the seven levels of... [click here for more]
Created as part of WINNER of the Roll20/DriveThruRPG DESIGN DASH competition! Design Dash EP 3:
Cotton Candy Crash Landing is a short and sweet adventure pitting the Starfinders against a rogue blob of cotton candy headed straight for a helpless town!
In a well-meaning attempt... [click here for more]
Happy Shirranukkah! This adventure toolkit contains several new winter-themed additions to the Starfinder roleplaying game.
Shirranukkah celebrates the story of the Rewelcoming, when the Shirren returned to the worship of their god Hylax after breaking from their hive mind known as The Swarm. Inside this toolkit you'll find a full description of Shirranukkah, how it's celebrated,... [click here for more]
This special bundle product contains the following titles.BattleDrones BattleRoyaleRegular price: $3.49 Bundle price: $2.49 Format: PDF BattleDrones BattleRoyale is an exciting PvP combat-drone-fighting module designed to expand your tables entertainment options.
Have you ever wanted to strap a Combat Rifle to a pair of legs and throw it into a hellish arena... [click here for more]