Tensions rise between warring factions as the Nomarch Haigen Topkick and King Zusgut vie for power over The Puddles district in Absalom! The Goblin King of Absalom, and aspiring thespian, Zusgut has summoned outside help to uncover where his subjects have been disappearing to while he tries to outmaneuver the Hafling Nomarch.
A short urban adventure that takes a group of level 1, or level 3,... [click here for more]
Welcome to Super Heroes 2e for Pathfinder 2nd edition.
Deviant is the word that pathfinder 2nd edition uses to refer to super heroes. This supplement can be considered a standalone but you can also use it to expand the Deviant rules from the Dark Archive.
Super Heroes 2e adds 50 Deviant feats along with tons of boons and abilities. A parameter table for improving and customizing your own powers... [click here for more]
Give your players a mythic boost with Mythic 2nd edition! This 70 page conversion contains all mythic feats and paths, Archmage, Warrior (Champion), Guardian, Heirophant, Marshal, and Trickster. This pdf includes all 6 mythic paths and almost 400 mythic feats, features, and abilities and is phone scrolling friendly. If you enjoyed Mythic in 1e you'll love the unique abilities again in this conversion... [click here for more]
Strange magics await within the tarot, waiting to be discovered. Including 3 focus arcana subclasses, card-casting capabilities, and many ways to manipulate your Major Arcana deck of spells, will you control fate, or will fate control you? Includes over 50 class feats and a multiclass dedication for those who wish to dabble only slightly in the tarot.
Includes 23 pages of content for the class, with... [click here for more]