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This resource for GMs compiles a broad selection of ideas and content to be integrated in your Abomination Vaults game.
It includes:
Expanded Roseguard lore and Roseguard-related content throughout the vaults
Expanded lore and side quests for Otari NPCs
Additional content suggestions for each level of the vaults
A simple random encounter system with a custom-made table of encounters
A festival... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
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Beneath all worldly processes is a steady, beating rhythm; all bards know this, but few truly feel the pull of inspiration to explore the fundamentals of their magical knowledge to greater breadths. Within are a duo of unconventional muses inspired by breadths of real-world cultures, that might push your Bard to take their art in strange new directions;
The Mute Muse, a mourner that... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
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Iliki is a small and prosperous village, mostly made up of farmers and a few labourers. Conditions aren't great but the villagers seem pretty happy. Over the past year, general supplies have started to go missing, crop yields have fallen, and some livestock have been found dead outside a nearby cave, or have vanished altogether. Rumours have also circulated that three months ago the local tavern... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
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A remote vestige of the past looms in the mountains,
A temple long abandoned stretching deep within the stone,
Veins of blood-like red streaking its white stone exterior with a sinister look.
Although its cyclops constructors died long ago,
Their foul influence still taints this place,
And their horrifying creations now walk these ancient halls.... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
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They were the favored of He Who Walks in Blood – their devotion and discipline were indisputable. For decades they had toiled, perfecting lethal techniques and learning to anticipate the actions of even the most cunning adversary. But their next mission has many unknown variables and a great potential to go awry; they must extract intel from the aristocracy, amongst whom idiosyncrasies are both... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
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The map is barren without any of the locations, which can be added, from the "Lands of the Linnorm Kings". I've wanted to provide any future DMs that are going to use the map with the freedom they might need. Depending on the pull/success and based on the demand. I will consider modifying it for future use and with more "eye candy", however, this might be a future project or none at all. Do let me... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
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The pages of this compendium contain 80 brand new divine weapons for pathfinder second edition, each based on an extraplanar creature presented in the official Paizo books: Bestiary, Bestiary 2 and Bestiary 3.
An arsenal that previously only belonged to the ranks of angels in heaven, the hordes of demons in the abyss, the armies of devils in hell, or the free spirits of the azatas of elysium is now... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
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Tensions rise between warring factions as the Nomarch Haigen Topkick and King Zusgut vie for power over The Puddles district in Absalom! The Goblin King of Absalom, and aspiring thespian, Zusgut has summoned outside help to uncover where his subjects have been disappearing to while he tries to outmaneuver the Hafling Nomarch.
A short urban adventure that takes a group of level 1, or level 3,... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
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Tread the world as a master of shapeshifting, a Druid deeply connected to the wilds! A Class Archetype for Pathfinder 2nd Edition, Beast Soul Druids forego some of their spellcasting to deepen their connection to the forms they take on. Choose your own form, spend your nights shapeshifted, use Wild Shape from level 1 onwards, and no longer be limited by the size of your play area! All in a lightweight... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
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Hello Reader,
I am a new writer that has been playing Table Top Roleplaying Games for about 6 years now and have always been amazed at how others have shared knowledge and creations with others and have enjoyed doing so myself. I made this creation to help not only be part of the community but to positively contribute to it as it has helped contribute to me and my games as well. As you figured this... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
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Take on the Ironfang Legion in Second Edition!
The Ironfang Invasion Adventure Path originally released for Pathfinder First Edition, allowing characters to take on the mighty forces of the Ironfang Legion. This product updates the campaign traits originally found in the Ironfang Adventure Player's Guide for 1E, converting the themes and abilities of the traits into a new... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
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Sarenrae’s faithful are spread throughout Golarion. From the heart of her worship in the Padishah Empire to those in the Crown of the World who revere her as Sister Cinder, she has a firm presence all around the world. Her followers bring justice against those who do evil, bring peace to the hearts and bodies of the innocent, and work tirelessly to redeem those who bring about harm.
If you, like... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
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The All-Seeing Eye is often derisively referred to as the "god of wizards". While that's not entirely wrong, it isn't exactly right, either. Faith's Reward – Nethys examines the influence of Nethys as the god of magic, including new spells, new feats, new items, new archetypes, and a new spell research subsystem to allow you to build or modify spells! This is a preview, the full version... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
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This short story, The Scarlet Blockade, follows the crew of the Fawn on their way back from Swarm infested lands. Their mission is to transport the injured to Absalom Station via the Drift, but they encounter an obstacle along their way that will test their strength, will and morality. ... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
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Do you want paper miniatures for the electric Starfinder Society scenario, Star Sugar Heartlove!!!? Of course you do! Download these minis for free or pay what you want! ... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
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This flash fiction story follows a girl on what she imagined to be a fairly straightforward adventure, but things are not so simple out in space. ... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
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A villainous tale of evil vs evil in the iconic world of Golarion! An Inquisitor of Asmodeus is sent back to the land of his birth to investigate a growing force that threatens to overtake not only Isger but potentially all of Golarion itself.
This is part 4 of a serialized novel.
Available in PDF, ePub, and MOBI formats.
Part 1 Availalbe Here ... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
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A villainous tale of evil vs evil in the iconic world of Golarion! An Inquisitor of Asmodeus is sent back to the land of his birth to investigate a growing force that threatens to overtake not only Isger but potentially all of Golarion itself.
This is part 3 of a serialized novel.
Available in PDF, ePub, and MOBI formats.
Part 1 Availalbe Here ... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
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A villainous tale of evil vs evil in the iconic world of Golarion! An Inquisitor of Asmodeus is sent back to the land of his birth to investigate a growing force that threatens to overtake not only Isger but potentially all of Golarion itself.
This is part 2 of a serialized novel.
Available in PDF, ePub, and MOBI formats.
Part 1 Availalbe Here ... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
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A story for Pathfinders young and old. Follow the Catfolk Swashbuckler, Mourka, as he leaves his Catfolk tribe and his lifelong home in the Mwangi Expanse on the his first adventure. After encountering some friendly travelers, Mourka crosses through the wastelands of Nex and encounters challenges along the way. This story was written for middle school aged children to enjoy the world of Golarion.... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
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MyPFDB - "Alles zu Arkanen Schulen" bietet eine komplette Übersicht über die Arkanen Schulen des Magiers. Das EBook beinhaltet alle Arkanen Schulen mit Merkmalen sowie eine übersichtliche Steigerungstabelle. Es kann als Überblick bei der Wahl einer arkanen Schulen dienen oder als Ausdruck zum Charakterbogen mit abgeheftet werden. Alle Inhalte dieses Dokuments werden in einer Datenbank gepflegt,... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
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MyPFDB - "Alles zu Domänen" bietet eine komplette Übersicht über die Pathfinder Domänen. Das EBook beinhaltet alle Domänen und die dazugehörigen Unterdomänen. Bei jeder einzelner Domäne ist mit Hilfe einer Tabelle illustriert auf welcher Stufe welches Merkmal hinzu kommt bzw. sich verändert. Bonustalente, die durch Merkmale erlangt werden, sind mt kompletten Text vermerkt. Außerdem sind... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
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MyPFDB - "Alles zu Inquisitionen" bietet eine kompakte Übersicht über die Inquisitionen. Das EBook enthält eine druckerfreundliche Ansicht zu allen Inquisitionen und den verliehenen Kräften mit Quellenangabe. Wer möchte kann sich die entsprechende Seite ausdrucken und zu seinem Charakterbogen legen. Alle Inhalte dieses Dokuments werden in einer Datenbank gepflegt, was das Ausbessern von Fehlern,... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
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MyPFDB - "Alles zu Legenden" bietet eine komplette Übersicht über die Pathfinder Legendenfähigkeiten und Legendenpfade.
Das EBook beinhaltet alle Legendenfähgkeiten und die Legendenpfade mit den dazugehörigen Pfadfähigkeiten. Es empfielt sich den gewünschten Legendenpfad auszudrucken und zum Charakterbogen hinzuzufügen. Somit hat man alle Informationen immer griffbereit und muss nicht in Büchern... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
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MyPFDB - "Alles zu Totems" bietet eine komplette Übersicht über die Totems für einen Schamanen.
Das EBook beinhaltet alle Totems aus den verschiedensten Büchern und erleichtert so die Wahl für einen Charakter. Es empfielt sich das gewählte Totem auszudrucken und zum Charakterbogen hinzuzufügen. Somit hat man alle Informationen immer griffbereit und muss nicht in Büchern blättern.
Alle Inhalte... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
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MyPFDB - "Alles zu Volksmerkmalen" bietet eine kompakte Übersicht über die Volksmerkmale. Das EBook enthält eine druckerfreundliche Ansicht zu allen Volksmerkmalen pro Volk mit je einer Kurzbeschreibung und Quellenangabe sowie den komplett ausgeschriebenen Texten. Wer möchte kann sich die entsprechenden 1-2 Seiten zu seinem Volk ausdrucken und zum Charakterbogen hinzufügen. Alle Inhalte dieses... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
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MyPFDB - "Alles zu Wesenszügen/Nachteile" bietet eine kompakte Übersicht über die Wesenszüge und Nachteile im Pathfinder Rollenspiel. Das EBook enthält eine Übersicht mit allen Wesenszügen und Nachteilen, die in Deutschland veröffentlicht wurden. Die Wesenszüge sind gruppiert nach der Kategorie sowie nach Kampagnen und Völker in den entsprechenden Kategorien. So wird die Suche nach passenden... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
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Alle Zauber vereint! Die Auswahl an Zauberformeln ist riesig und dir fällt es schwer, für deinen Charakter die passenden auszuwählen. Mit diesem Buch soll dir geholfen werden. Dieser Foliant zeigt dir alle Zauber in einem Dokument. Vom Alchemisten bis zum Waldläufer sind alle verfügbare Zauberklassen vorhanden und übersichtlich nach den Zaubergraden vorsortiert. Zum ersten mal finden mit diesem... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
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Kampfbuch: Falkengrund Zyklus In den meisten Abenteuerpfaden sind die Begegnungen gut beschrieben. Wer wann was macht und warum. Aber…. Die Beschreibung der Gegner ist meist „1 Schattendämon, MHB1- Seite 49, TP 59“. Dann heißt es für den Spielleiter: Buch suchen und blättern. Wenn er das Monster dann gefunden hat steht dort weiter: „Zauberähnliche Fähigkeiten (ZS 10): Beliebig oft –... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
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This introduces the Hypnata! An Ancestry found in Ancestries Enhanced Part 2 that are Dreamlands natives that take the form of sheep although bear cosmic wool. Attuned to dreams and sculpted by emotions, this Ancestry has several nods to an assortment of sleepy powers and wild imaginations which make them powerful! ... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
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The Crypt of Whisperbrooke is a short adventure for level 4 characters, made for Pathfinder 2nd edition. The adventure fits onto a double side of paper for easy printing, containing two unique monsters and a hazard for the party to encounter. The adventure is setting agnostic and names can be substituted freely to fit in anywhere.
Contained within is a colour pdf for easy screen viewing and two... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
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Track the Deck of Destiny in the Harrow Court!
Using this form-fillable pdf, you can track which cards' Epitomes are activated at certain points of interest in the Harrow Court. There is also a checklist and tracker for the entire Deck of Destiny. This also includes a printer-friendly version.
This is a GM supplement to assist the facilitation of the Stolen Fates Adventure Path. ... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
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