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Millennia ago, the dwarves of the Darklands began their Quest for the Sky. Over the course of that centureis long campaign, numerous battles were won and lost. It was during one of those losses that General Rholdammen lost her warhammer, a powerful relic thought lost to history until now. A recent archeological dig unhearthed a hammer bearing resemblance to that hammer of legend, which is now en route... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Pay What You Want
This level 1 oneshot for Pathfinder 2nd edition is made to be an introduction to the game. It contains two mysteries to investigate, undead and kobolds to fight and befriend, a mini dungeon, and a puzzle.
Party level: 1
Party size: 3 to 5
Estimated play time: 3 to 5 hours
Setting: agnostic, anywhere with a swamp or forest, and a small village.
Pregens: no specific pregen characters required.
Paper... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Pay What You Want
The Voidbound Isle is an exploration-focused adventure that takes players from level 1-13 as they discover the secrets and mysteries of a vast, cursed island. This adventure is setting-agnostic; it can take place in Golarion or in your own original world. The bulk of its content involves exploration and wilderness survival as the party ventures throughout a strange and perilous new land, but this adventure... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Pay What You Want
Curse of the Werebeaver is a level 1 one-shot designed for a party of 5, and can also be slotted into any campaign as a side quest. This one-shot also comes with two maps that can be used to compliment it, with an optional road encounter that also comes with a map. However, also feel free to run theatre of the mind. Maps and a FoundryVTT (V11) module are also included in this bundle.
Special thanks... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Pay What You Want
Wrap up warm because your players will have to scale mountains and trudge through knee-high snow (or waist-high if you're a halfling) in this adventure for players of any level, from 1 to 16!
This adventure breaks encounters down by Creature Level and allows you to easily swap enemies if an adventure isn't going your way. Whether it's a bit too easy or way too hard, you can swap... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Pay What You Want
 This level 1 oneshot for Pathfinder 2nd edition is made to be an introduction to the game. It contains NPCs to talk to, goblins to fight, traps to dodge, a mini-dungeon, a dragon, a puzzle, and a moral choice.
Party level: 1
Party size: 3 to 5
Estimated play time: 3 to 4 hours
Setting: agnostic, anywhere with a swamp or forest, and a small village.
Pregens: no specific pregen characters required.
Paper... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Pay What You Want
This is a conversion of the Pathfinder 1E module "Crypt of the Everflame" to Pathfinder 2E. Effort has been taken to keep the encounter level and difficulty the same as the orginial, and to use similar monsters when possible. Includes both XP and Milestone leveling. ... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Pay What You Want
Iliki is a small and prosperous village, mostly made up of farmers and a few labourers. Conditions aren't great but the villagers seem pretty happy. Over the past year, general supplies have started to go missing, crop yields have fallen, and some livestock have been found dead outside a nearby cave, or have vanished altogether. Rumours have also circulated that three months ago the local tavern... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Pay What You Want
 The Goblin Cave is an adventure for Pathfinder Second Edition and is designed for a 1st-level adventuring party. This short, ten-page document is perfect for a last minute gaming night, or for new Game Masters looking to learn the system. This product includes:
2-3 hours of gameplay for a low level party. Compatible with Second Edition Remastered rulebooks.
Easy, quick prep for Game Masters... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Pay What You Want
This is a one-shot adventure compatible with Pathfinder Second Edition. The scenario is designed for level 2 PCs but can be played with PCs leveled 1-3. The adventure is setting neutral and will work as a great starting point or it can be easily inserted into an ongoing campaign.
The adventure includes an 11-page pdf and a label-free battle map.
Adventure Overview: Last... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Pay What You Want
Players Guide to accompany the mini adventure New Orc on the Block, companion to the Orcs Strong Together product. This guide includes backgrounds, Meravon Gazetteer, and candidate information.
This adventure is designed to supplement an ongoing campaign set on the Isle of Kortos. It is composed of 5 blocks that take place at 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th levels. The PCs will influence Axeside’s... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Pay What You Want
 In the bustling metropolis of Morport, the infamous Alchemist/Adventurer Rez Valdur has recently encountered a grave problem: a critical ingredient for his world-famous explosive concoctions has gone missing.
He seeks the aid of four capable adventurers to retrieve the rare and dangerous substance known as the "Phoenixfire Extract." Your mission is to journey through the citadel, face formidable foes,... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Pay What You Want
In the undead nation of Geb, political intrigue abounds. Four lesser members of the undead nobility have been tasked with a mission of utmost importance by a vampiric Blood Lord: to deliver an amulet and win his goodwill. However, things are rarely as they seem in this cut-throat realm of death and politics...
Bloody Harvest Undead Characters: Bloody Harvest Undead Characters - Paizo | Pathfinder... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Pay What You Want
 Once thought to be a myth as old as time itself, the Golden Fish is actually an artifact of immense power that has the ability to grant a powerful wish. The artifact fell into an archive belonging to a powerful lich. When the lich fell, the archive closed and fell quiet. The archive itself was a home to many dark and terrible secrets.
Now the Great Archive has... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Pay What You Want
 The Crypt of Whisperbrooke is a short adventure for level 4 characters, made for Pathfinder 2nd edition. The adventure fits onto a double side of paper for easy printing, containing two unique monsters and a hazard for the party to encounter. The adventure is setting agnostic and names can be substituted freely to fit in anywhere.
Contained within is a colour pdf for easy screen viewing and two... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Pay What You Want
 In this 31 page self-contained aadventure the main characters occupy the morally ambiguous position of trying to fulfil a mission to undermine the city of Absalom to allow its invasion by Taldor. This story takes place 800 years before Silent Tides, the first Pathfinder Society Scenario published and fills in some of the gaps in the background and origin of its... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Pay What You Want