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Learn the secrets of the arcane like never before!
Enter the esoteric world of Wizards+, an expansion to the Wizard class for Pathfinder 2nd Edition. From ancient scholars of obscure learnings to academics discovering new ways to twist spellcraft, this love letter to the original class includes...
New arcane schools, like the star-gazing School of Aetheral... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Accomplish the unimagineable!
Set out on your journey into previously unreachable heights with Feats+, a massive expansion to Pathfinder 2nd Edition's general feats and skill feats. Whether you're tackling flying opponents from the air, stoking the flames of fame on a world-wide level or stealing the very senses of your targets, Feats+ has over 330 feats to expand the pool of general... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Call Upon The Other Side!
Make allies of the extraplanar in Summoners+, an expansion of the summoner class for Pathfinder 2nd Edition. Whether you're calling upon beings made of pure life force, avatars of elemental chaos, ancient mages or warriors or even manifestations of the dreamlands, Summoners+ is your tool to make evolutions like no other!
This love letter... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
It's time to shift into MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE!
Combine the principles of mechanics and the power of mayhem with Inventors+, an expansion of the inventor class for Pathfinder 2nd Edition. Build hulking robots, harness the power of the arcane through technology, and break down the laws of the universe into simple equations with new class options to accentuate the masters of machines at your... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Something wicked this way comes!
From sea witches with patrons from below the waves to lessons of prophecy and binding, Witches+ is an supernatural expansion to the core witch class with the intent of evening the playing field with it and other spellcasters.
This love-letter to the original class includes...
• A dozen new patrons like The Shambling Thing In The Mire... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Unleash your power through spell or through blade!
Blur the boundaries between martial and caster with Magus+, an expansion of the magus class for Pathfinder 2nd Edition. From mystic knights with dark powers to impossible mages with impossible weapons, Magus+ is home to countless new ways to play a spellcasting warrior!
This love letter to the original class includes...
• New... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Make your story your own!
No two heroes are alike, and with Archetypes+, a massive supplement with 300+ Feats, you can expand your world of adventure like never before. Delve deep into dungeons to fight terrible foes, battle with new skills and abilities from beyond our realm, or sell some items for a bargain price. The choice is yours! Archetypes+ both expands archetypes with... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Filled with fury and ready to rip and tear, Barbarians+ is an expansion to the Barbarian class that brings brand new stories for players to tell on their adventures!
This love letter to the original class includes...
New instincts, such as the Flesh instinct with its raging body horror or the Runic instinct to empower... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
By the power of the Gods!
Guided by the holiest of powers and the most infernal of curses, Clerics+ is an expansion to the Cleric class to add new ways to play a scholar of the divine in Pathfinder 2nd Edition!
This love letter to the original class includes...
New and revised doctrines, such as the Seeker doctrine which hunts down anything from... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
Let the power course through you...
With the glow of a mystic candle to the chants of a mystery cult bowing to your power, Oracles+ is an expansion to the Oracle class made to even the playing field between it and other casters.
This love letter to the original class includes...
• New Mysteries and Curses, such as Radiance Oracles who glow bright with an undying... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
In the darkest alley, on the tallest wave, the call of the Firebrands echoes! Daring adventurers, dashing dandies and cunning pirates cross swords everywhere to topple tyrants and make legends… and you can join them! In this book, you will be able to pick up dozens of new character options to make the perfect hero to take on the worst of the worst as a Firebrand! Options... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
ENTER THE IMPOSSIBLE! Where magic is mundane, where mutants roam, where the fey walk among men, the Impossible Lands are a realm ripe with adventure. In this book, you will be able to pick up dozens of new character options to make the perfect character for any adventurer of these mystic worlds, expanding on the stories told in Lost Omens: Impossible Lands! Options... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
While Irrisen is no stranger to winter storms and tumultuous weather, the town of Tahm's Praerie finds their normal Longnight festivities barred to the indoors on account of an unprecedented storm. The villagers do their best to celebrate the evening with candles and hearts alight, providing refuge for you and your party among warm fire and company. However, despite the festivities, something darker... [click here for more] |
Paizo |
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