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Eldritch Expansion: Thaumaturge's Wrath

Eldritch Expansion: Thaumaturge's Wrath

From the bands that bind us together to the unfathomable artifacts of eldritch entities, within this tome you’ll find 10 thaumaturge implements to add to your game as well as a handful of feats to acompany them. Band - Share your allies burdens, splitting damage and conditions to lessen the load. Coffin - Free up your hands at the cost of stability, calling the souls of the recent dead to lay...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $9.99

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Foundry: Thaumaturge's Wrath

Foundry: Thaumaturge's Wrath

A Foundry module for Thaumaturge's Wrath. Unleash the power of new implements in your VTT! ...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $4.99

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The Lost Demon-Slayer: A Pathfinder 2e Bounty

The Lost Demon-Slayer: A Pathfinder 2e Bounty

A short adventure meant for a single session, where the party stumbles across a mysterious woman with old battle scars. She requests aid of our heroes, as a pair of demons are wreaking havok in the surrounding woods. Slay the demons Goldhand and Bloodwringer to receive a screech shooter in reward, or join the demon's wrathful schemes and take what you want from the meddling old woman. Complete with...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $5.00

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Continents of Golarion

Continents of Golarion

This pack of maps includes six maps (each 2300x2950 pixels) of various continents on Golarion: Arcadia Avistan Casmaron Crown of the World Garund Tian Xia Provided is a PDF of the images as well as a Zip file containing the images (png format) with a border image included!  These maps were made using a combination of Wonderdraft, Krita, and Blender 3D. They can be used for personal use or other...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $9.99

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Borders of Sin - 8 Sihedron Token Borders

Borders of Sin - 8 Sihedron Token Borders

Inspired by the Sihedron of ancient Thassilon, This set of 8 Token borders (one for each sin and a sihedron representing all the sins) are perfect for a Rise of the Runlords or Return of the Runelords game.  Contains 8 Token borders (1024x1024 px each, PNG format) in a ZIP file, PDF of the cover art. The Sihedron is Intelectual property of Paizo and may not be used for comercial purposes outside...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $2.99

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All That Glitters

All That Glitters

GET YOUR GLITTER ON! Show your glitter pride with this explosion of player options from the bestselling Pathfinder production team Eldritch Osiris Games with a portion of proceeds from each sale benefiting the release of future Queerfinder Society travel supplements!: Glitters Versatile Heritage with 15 feats for levels 1-17! 29 General and Class Feats covering the range of...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $7.49

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100+ Action Tokens

100+ Action Tokens

Action Tokens - 100+ Action symbol themed token borders plus alpha masks Ready made token borders with an action-symbol motif  100+ Action Symbol themed token borders, (10 frame styles, 10 gemstones). Frame Styles: Crystal Iron Clean Iron Scratched Gold Clean Gold Scratched Silver Clean Silver Scratched Red Green Blue Each frame style also comes with two optional matching background...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $4.99

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The Whispering Tokens - 104 Whispering Tyrant themed token borders

The Whispering Tokens - 104 Whispering Tyrant themed token borders

The Whispering Tyrant's presense invades your tokens! Perfect for foes or your Tyrant's Grasp character. This pack contains 104 token borders, consisting of scratched or cracked crowns of the whispering tyrant, complete with skull, 4 different metals (Iron, Gold, Silver, and Copper), and 13 accent colors (including one without a color or glow) Contains 104 Token borders (1024x1024 px each, PNG format)...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $5.99

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Borders Of Action - 63 Action symbol themed token borders plus alpha masks

Borders Of Action - 63 Action symbol themed token borders plus alpha masks

Borders Of Action - 63 Action symbol themed token borders plus alpha masks Ready made token borders with an action-symbol motif, ranging from crystaline, carved wood, gold, iron, stonework, organic, and more, perfect for a wide array of characters and creatures in your Online PF2e game! 63 Action Symbol themed token borders, (14 main styles, plus 49 variants combined for three of the styles). Alpha...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $5.99

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Action Page Borders -24 layout assets

Action Page Borders -24 layout assets

This set of 24 action-symbol themed page borders are perfect for your Pathfinder Infinite product! with 12 designs each for A4 and Letter size pages, just pick the ones that speak to you. containes both page-side and fully enclosed borders, one-actions and free-action corners, solid, tapered, or three-action lines. Mix and match to your heart's content. Perfect to use as a mask for other colors or...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $2.99

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