A simplified replacement for Chapter 9 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook, intended for groups who aren't interested in poring over starship stats and who do not currently enjoy starship combat, but aren't ready to eliminate it entirely from their campaigns.
Combat rules are just 2 pages (1 rules page, 1 actions page). Rather than taking separate roles and fighting over who gets to be captain and who... [click here for more]
LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet character sheet for PF2.
Makes the math of character creation easy
Fill in the white cells. All gray and yellow cells are calculated for you.
Provides drop-down selection for TEML (and translates it to 2/4/6/8 for the math).
Set your key ability.
Track it all! Skill selection, armour bonuses, HP, encumbrance, and more!
... [click here for more]