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Apocalypse: The Apotheosis Agenda

Apocalypse: The Apotheosis Agenda

There is a new aspirant to take the Test of the Starstone in Absalom’s Ascendant Court district and this individual has contacted the heroes to handle crowd control while she begins her test. After she crosses the chasm and enters Aroden’s entrance to the Starstone Cathedral, the heroes witness a premonition of what will happen should she succeed and it means the destruction of Golarion!...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $14.99

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Into the Void - A Starfinder Adventure

Into the Void - A Starfinder Adventure

Into the Void is a special beginning adventure for Starfinder. The heroes will be building their characters as they progress through the adventure, and gain access to more of their abilities. You start with a blank character sheet (though that is not provided), and fill it out as you go along. It also serves as a starting point for the Dead...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $3.95

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Starfinder Charter Development Sheet

Starfinder Charter Development Sheet

Elevate your Starfinder campaign to new heights with the essential Starfinder NPC Reference Sheet. This tool is designed to be your perfect aid when tracking the myriad of NPCs populating the galaxy. With sections for detailed descriptions, backgrounds, and key statistics, managing your non-player characters becomes easy. Whether friend or foe, every NPC’s role is clearly outlined making your GM-life...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $1.00

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Absalom Drift: Turbocharged

Absalom Drift: Turbocharged

Every hero needs friends. And every group of friends needs a set of engines. How else will you race off to the edges of the galaxy, and save the day? Too bad you can’t afford them on your own. But one of your old friends has picked up a lead on a starship that you just might be able to "acquire". What's the harm in hearing them out at least? Absalom Drift: Turbocharged...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $4.00

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Starfinder NPC Reference Sheet

Starfinder NPC Reference Sheet

Elevate your Starfinder campaign to new heights with the essential Starfinder NPC Reference Sheet. This tool is designed to be your perfect aid when tracking the myriad of NPCs populating the galaxy. With sections for detailed descriptions, backgrounds, and key statistics, managing your non-player characters becomes easy. Whether friend or foe, every NPC’s role is clearly outlined...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $1.00

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Starfinder Planet Sheet

Starfinder Planet Sheet

Discover the vastness of the cosmos in the Starfinder universe, and keep track of all the planets you visit with the Starfinder Planet Sheet, now available for intrepid explorers and GMs alike. This tool aimst to help you when detailing the diverse and intriguing planets of the Starfinder universe. It is meticulously crafted to capture the essence of every world, from its geography...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $1.00

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Interstellar Species: Ogeir (Space Ogres)

Interstellar Species: Ogeir (Space Ogres)

Ogres were a blight on the old world of Golarion, one thought lost somewhere over time with the Gap. But recently, these creatures have appeared once more, coming from deep within the bowels of Absalon Station and emerging back into the spotlight. But time has changed them. Now, they inhabit a planet in Near Space called Jötheim, and they seem to have developed along new evolutionary lines to...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $2.00

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Age of Ashes: Treasury

Age of Ashes: Treasury

This is a list of all the treasures that the heroes can find in the Age of Ashes Adventure Path, separated by the individual adventure and chapter within that adventure. It is important to note that there are no new items being presented in this book. This book is intended for the convenience of the Game Masters out there, who want to know what treasures their players’ characters can find within...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $2.00

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Handbuch: Vermächtnis der Wildnis (PDF) als Download kaufen

Handbuch: Vermächtnis der Wildnis (PDF) als Download kaufen

Besinne Dich auf Deine Wurzeln zuruck! Nutze die unaufhaltsame Kraft und lebenspendende Macht der Natur! Das Pathfinder Handbuch: Vermächtnis der Wildnis gibt jenen Charakteren neue Optionen, welche im Einklang mit ihrer Umwelt leben. Erlerne die magischen Geheimnisse der Wildnis, zähme wilde Verbündete und lasse die eindrucksvoll zerstörerische Kraft der Natur und ihrer Elemente...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  $9.38

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