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Impossible Lands+

Impossible Lands+

ENTER THE IMPOSSIBLE! Where magic is mundane, where mutants roam, where the fey walk among men, the Impossible Lands are a realm ripe with adventure. In this book, you will be able to pick up dozens of new character options to make the perfect character for any adventurer of these mystic worlds, expanding on the stories told in Lost Omens: Impossible Lands! Options...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $9.99

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Godsrain Contingencies

Godsrain Contingencies

When Yivali held death in her talons, she feared delivering such terrible warning without also hope. Included in her annotations was research into what the world might become if each gods death were to occur, and thus what contingencies could be made. This product contains a handful of player options for each scenario. While there is a primary focus...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $6.49

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Origami Folder Archetype

Origami Folder Archetype

Where the Alchemist meets the Talisman Dabbler, bring the art of paper folding onto the battlefield. With the Origami Folder Archetype your creations help you manipulate, explore, and tag your enemies. Give your spell casters some one action options, or your frontliners some handy surprises. Includes 10 feats and 17 new magic items. Each origami entry includes artwork of actual origami creations....   [click here for more]
Paizo  $1.99

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Orcs Strong Together

Orcs Strong Together

We are Orc Strong Together. This product is not only about celebrating orcs in honor of the Open RPG Creative License. It is about celebrating what people sticking up for their community, and what working together can accomplish. During the ogl deauthorization threats of January 2023 it took a community to come together and create this new future. It took a community to push back...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $9.99

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Big F@#*ing Greatswords

Big F@#*ing Greatswords

Total Party Kon special: Big F@#*ing Greatswords is Pay What You Want for a limited time. Pathfinder 2nd edition is great at covering a wide range of character fantasies, with the weapon trait system giving noticeable differences with different weapons. However, there is a popular fantasy weapon that isn’t quite represented well, colossal weapons. Sometimes called ultra-greatswords,...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $2.50

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Alchemist Paper Pusher

Alchemist Paper Pusher

For the Alchemist tired of splashing themselves, but not afraid of a paper cut. The Paper Pusher Research Field gives players another way to try origami without taking the Origami Folder archetype. This is a companion piece to both the Origami Folder Archetype and the Ruby Phoenix Origami Team (forthcoming), which features the Alchemist Avrur. Contains only the Research Field details, including...   [click here for more]
Paizo  Pay What You Want

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Together with Elements Archetypes

Together with Elements Archetypes

Elemental Planes soar far above the Universe within the Inner Sphere, but a person could stumble into portals across Golarion. The planes are out of reach, but walk among us. Geniekin are striking, and kineticists flash, but there are many others with subtler connection.  Check out Together with Elements Archetypes for a chance for all your not just kineticist characters to play with the power of...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $11.99

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Vellum & Lace Ep 01 Pocket Queens

Vellum & Lace Ep 01 Pocket Queens

This is Episode 01 of a serialized fiction series. When Jelica gambles in the back room of a dilapidated mission, she gets more than she bet on. Desperate to save her sister, she rushes across the city, but will she get there in time? You’ll love the tale of these sisters navigating life, love, and loss in the city of Absalom, especially when they don’t have a bit of Wisdom between them. Check...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $2.00

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Vellum & Lace Ep 02 Knock Knock

Vellum & Lace Ep 02 Knock Knock

This is Episode 02 of a serialized fiction series.  When last we left off, Jelica was rushing to save her sister… Lhani wants to be a normal student at Arcanamirium, and only worry about how many times she get dunked in the mud during Melee for Mages.   Little does she know the fate that awaits her when she brings a troublesome tabby home to study. You’ll love the tale of these sisters...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $2.00

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Impossible Paths: Clockwork Clinic

Impossible Paths: Clockwork Clinic

People from all over the Impossible Lands gravitate to the Clockwork Clinic, queer boarding house by day, mob doctor by... well, whenever people get shot up. The reasons people were drawn here are different; to heal, to learn, to love, to escape, but the destination is always the same. What Impossible Paths brought these folks together? 4 Pages detailing the Clockwork Clinic and 11 new NPCs hailing...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $2.99

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Vellum & Lace Ep 03 The Wounded Woman

Vellum & Lace Ep 03 The Wounded Woman

This is Episode 03 of a serialized fiction series. After realizing Wenn set her up, Jelica rushed home to find her apartment tossed, and sister missing. You’ll love the tale of these sisters navigating life, love, and loss in the city of Absalom, especially when they don’t have a bit of Wisdom between them.    Check out the rest of the series, here on Pathfinder Infinite:...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $2.00

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Ruby Phoenix: Team OriGoMe

Ruby Phoenix: Team OriGoMe

Your Fist of the Ruby Phoenix campaign heads on over to Danger Island, where it is one of thirty-two teams. What about other other thirty-one? The AP gives some, but here's some help filling in those gaps with a memorable team. A companion to the Origami Folder Archetype, and Alchemist Paper Pusher Research Field, though this product includes every action and item you need to run this team. Can easily...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $1.99

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New Orcs on the Block

New Orcs on the Block

!Now with Foundry Integration! Orc lumberjacks have abandoned their camps and began to come together and set down roots in Meravon, the lumber capital of Kortos. The efforts to become recognized and supported as an official town district are being met with resistance, and they have recently suffered attacks from nearby wildlife. Is the rampant vandalism a spillover from brutal negotiations,...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $9.99

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Playing Around

Playing Around

Now on the Foundry stage, Playing Around! A Classy Curtain Call Companion Get ready to captivate your enemies, and your allies, and now your Foundry instance(!) with these whimsical new options for all 23 Pathfinder classes! Inspired by Curtain Call, but still a playful twist for any game.  These 26 pages contain 21 subclasses for all classes except...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $12.49

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Vellum & Lace Ep 00 Moving Day

Vellum & Lace Ep 00 Moving Day

This is Episode 00 (Prologue) of of a serialized fiction series. When the Pathfinder Society refuses membership to Jelica, the angel-blooded human is determined to prove her worth and sets out to experience all that Absalom has to offer. Too bad she is more prone to meddle than observe, and leaves behind a trail of bungled intrigues, lighter purses, and lacy clothes. Her half-elf sister Lhani has...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $0.50

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Agents of Edgewatch Missing Persons: Wine Merchant

Agents of Edgewatch Missing Persons: Wine Merchant

Agents of Edgwatch Missing Persons: Wine Merchant expands on the Missing Person’s arc in Chapter Two of Agents of Edgewatch Adventure Path: Devil at the Dreaming Palace. Now your party can investigate the disappearance of Anastatia Corvis: a human Irriseni merchant who came to Absalom to sell ice wine. This could also be run as a side quest separate from Agents of Edgewatch, or provide some additional...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $0.99

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The Longnight Before Krampus

The Longnight Before Krampus

While Irrisen is no stranger to winter storms and tumultuous weather, the town of Tahm's Praerie finds their normal Longnight festivities barred to the indoors on account of an unprecedented storm. The villagers do their best to celebrate the evening with candles and hearts alight, providing refuge for you and your party among warm fire and company. However, despite the festivities, something darker...   [click here for more]
Paizo  Pay What You Want

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Vellum & Lace Ep 05 Ill Prepared

Vellum & Lace Ep 05 Ill Prepared

This is Episode 05 of a serialized fiction series. Jelica's sister Lhani got caught in a trap from Jelica's rival. Too frought to let her sister rot, Jelica has a plan. But can she get herself, her friends, and her sister out of jail in one piece? You’ll love the tale of these sisters navigating life, love, and loss in the city of Absalom, especially when they don’t have a bit of Wisdom between...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $2.00

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Together with Elements: Elemental Blaster

Together with Elements: Elemental Blaster

This product is a preview of Together with Elements Archetypes, featuring the Elemental Blaster archetype, one of the thirteen archetypes. Elemental Planes soar far above the Universe within the Inner Sphere, but a person could stumble into portals across Golarion. The planes are out of reach, but walk among us. Geniekin are striking, and kineticists flash, but there are many others with subtler...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $1.50

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Affinity Publisher Learning Template

Affinity Publisher Learning Template

You've written some pathfinder / starfinder rules, but not sure how to publish them? Picked up Affinity Publisher during one of their sales? Or looking for some more tips with Affinity Publisher? Check out this template. This is more than a starting point, but both a pdf and a live file with 9 pages of tips of the top tips to get you started. Comes with 1) blank template 2) template brimming with...   [click here for more]
Paizo  Pay What You Want

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Vellum & Lace Ep 04 Stripped

Vellum & Lace Ep 04 Stripped

This is Episode 04 of a serialized fiction series. This episode sees what happens when Lhani is taken in by the Learned Guard... for a crime she doesn't even understand!  You’ll love the tale of these sisters navigating life, love, and loss in the city of Absalom, especially when they don’t have a bit of Wisdom between them. Check out the rest of the series, here on Pathfinder Infinite: Episode...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $2.00

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Material Mastery: Thaumaturge Implements

Material Mastery: Thaumaturge Implements

Thaumaturges not only know what something is, but more importantly, what it could be. And potential, is the most powerful force of all. Included in my notes are admixtures to enhance common implements. Not familiar with all the materials? You could visit Tesyovensku’s Warehouse to learn more, but they ask a pretty price. These notes will teach you how to draw forth these enhancements without...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $2.99

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Gateway to Expanded Cosmology

Gateway to Expanded Cosmology

Gateway to Expanded Cosmology presents three different elemental systems which incorporate the elements of Paper and Ink (or more!). Creative Spiral of Elements - where creatures detach themselves increasingly from the Universe. Elemental Fabrication - where an element undergoes a refinement into another. Lineage Elementalism - learn of all the churn locations where two elements combine. These open...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $1.99

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Godsrain Chronicles Subscription

Godsrain Chronicles Subscription

A subscription to the Godsrain Chronicles gets you newspapers from all over Golarion covering the fallout from the Godsrain. Our writing rooms plan to cover not only hooks from the Mythic Gazetteer, but the entirety of War of Immortals, Curtain Call, Prey for Death, Divine Mysteries,...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $9.99

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Roving Intern Archetype

Roving Intern Archetype

Sometimes when you set forth on an adventure you’ve already had a lifetime of experience, are world weary, and simply know this is what you must do. But for others, they’re on the road to learn. A real frontier education. The Roving Intern Archetype is 14 feats of learning features from your party, aiding them in return, and generally accumulating knowledge. Don’t forget the Beverage...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $1.74

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Vellum & Lace Ep 06 You Have No Idea

Vellum & Lace Ep 06 You Have No Idea

This is Episode 06 of a serialized fiction series. Despite their rescue plan crumbling, Jelica made it to Lhani’s cell. But it’s empty. Where could Lhani be? You’ll love the tale of these sisters navigating life, love, and loss in the city of Absalom, especially when they don’t have a bit of Wisdom between them. Check out the rest of the series, here on Pathfinder Infinite: Episode 00...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $2.00

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Vellum & Lace Ep 07 Shattered

Vellum & Lace Ep 07 Shattered

This is Episode 07 of a serialized fiction series. Still sans sister, Jelica has to fight her own way out of prison now. Will Jelica and her friends make it past the Learned Guard in one piece? You’ll love the tale of these sisters navigating life, love, and loss in the city of Absalom, especially when they don’t have a bit of Wisdom between them. Check out the rest of the series, here on...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $2.00

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Vellum & Lace Ep 08 Reunion

Vellum & Lace Ep 08 Reunion

This is Episode 08 of a serialized fiction series. Lhani escaped prison, but not the police. Will she be able to shake the Learned Guard? And will she be able to find her sister before the guard finds her? You’ll love the tale of these sisters navigating life, love, and loss in the city of Absalom, especially when they don’t have a bit of Wisdom between them. Check out the rest of the series,...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $2.00

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New Orcs on the Block players Guide

New Orcs on the Block players Guide

Players Guide to accompany the mini adventure New Orc on the Block, companion to the Orcs Strong Together product. This guide includes backgrounds, Meravon Gazetteer, and candidate information. This adventure is designed to supplement an ongoing campaign set on the Isle of Kortos. It is composed of 5 blocks that take place at 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th levels. The PCs will influence Axeside’s...   [click here for more]
Paizo  Pay What You Want

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Kintargo Courant Lamashan 19 4724 (GC Vol1 Issue 1)

Kintargo Courant Lamashan 19 4724 (GC Vol1 Issue 1)

Inaugural issue of the Godsrain Chronicles takes place in Kintargo following the night of Gorum’s death, and incidentally a new Opera opening. Builds on material from War of Immortals and Curtain Call AP. Kintargo Courant Lamashan 19 4724 Interview with the Hero of Aria Park Review of The Heroes of the Triumph Opera Mask...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $1.99

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Kintargo Courant Lamashan 24 4724 (GC Vol1 Issue 2)

Kintargo Courant Lamashan 24 4724 (GC Vol1 Issue 2)

We spend the next issue of the Godsrain Chronicles in the Kintargo countryside solving the mystery of a re-filled village. Builds on material from War of Immortals and Lost Omens: Travel Guide. Kintargo Courant Lamashan 24 4724 Mystery of the whiterock occupants solved Agent of Allbirth Apparition Additional Animist feats Charming...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $0.99

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