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Pathfinder Adventure Path #43: The Haunting of Harrowstone (Carrion Crown 1 of 6)(PF1)

Pathfinder Adventure Path #43: The Haunting of Harrowstone (Carrion Crown 1 of 6)(PF1)

When Harrowstone Prison burned to the ground, prisoners, guards, and a host of vicious madmen met a terrifying end. In the years since, the nearby town of Ravengro has shunned the fire-scarred ruins, telling tales of unquiet spirits that wander abandoned cellblocks. But when a mysterious evil disturbs Harrowstone’s tenuous spiritual balance, a ghostly prison riot commences that threatens to consume...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $25.99

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #44: Trial of the Beast (Carrion Crown 2 of 6)(PF1)

Pathfinder Adventure Path #44: Trial of the Beast (Carrion Crown 2 of 6)(PF1)

The rampaging abomination known as the Beast of Lepidstadt has been captured! Yet rather than destroy the monster for its countless murders and untold crimes, the city council demands the creature receive a fair trial. Upon traveling to Lepidstadt, the adventurers find themselves caught up in the anger and investigations surrounding the Beast’s judgment. Soon it’s up to them to discover whether...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $25.99

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #71: Rasputin Must Die! (Reign of Winter 5 of 6)(PF1)

Pathfinder Adventure Path #71: Rasputin Must Die! (Reign of Winter 5 of 6)(PF1)

Worlds at War The search for the Queen of Witches finally ends when the Dancing Hut travels to Baba Yaga’s homeland of Russia on the planet Earth. The year is 1918, and the First World War rages throughout Europe. The heroes find themselves in the wilds of Siberia, where they must face Russian soldiers armed with twentieth-century technology to infiltrate an ancient monastery and rescue Baba...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $25.99

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #48: Shadows of Gallowspire (Carrion Crown 6 of 6)(PF1)

Pathfinder Adventure Path #48: Shadows of Gallowspire (Carrion Crown 6 of 6)(PF1)

A mad plot to unleash the greatest necromancer the world has ever known draws to its sinister end. As the murderous cultists of the Whispering Way retreat to their profane sanctuary, the powers of death align to resurrect their fallen champion. Bold adventurers pursue these villains, but can their bravery survive the haunted wasteland of Virlych, the accursed cathedral of Renchurch, and ultimately...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $25.99

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #66: The Dead Heart of Xin (Shattered Star 6 of 6)(PF1)

Pathfinder Adventure Path #66: The Dead Heart of Xin (Shattered Star 6 of 6)(PF1)

The seven shards of the Shattered Star have been recovered, and the Pathfinders prepare a grand festival on Magnimar's Irespan to celebrate this incredible achievement. The culmination of this celebration is to be the reassembly of the seven shards into the legendary Sihedron itself, rebuilt for the first time in over ten thousand years. But a lot can change in that amount of time, and...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $25.99

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Pathfinder 1ª ed. - Bestiario 2

Pathfinder 1ª ed. - Bestiario 2

¡Desata las hordas! ¡Ve más allá de los goblins con un ejército de los enemigos más temibles que puedas imaginar! El Bestiario 2 presenta cientos de criaturas diferentes para usar en el juego de rol de Pathfinder. En este compendio de criaturas encontrarás dragones muertos vivientes y gremlin traviesos, banshees chillonas y titanes imparables, el infame jabberwock ¡y mucho...   [click here for more]
Devir  $13.53

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Pathfinder 1ª ed. - Corona de carroña 6 - Sombras de la Espira del patíbulo

Pathfinder 1ª ed. - Corona de carroña 6 - Sombras de la Espira del patíbulo

El fin de todas las cosas Un insano plan para desatar al mayor nigromante que el mundo haya conocido jamás se acerca a su siniestro fin. Mientras los sectarios asesinos de la Vía Susurrante se retiran a su profano santuario, los poderes de la muerte se alinean para resucitar a su campeón caído. Unos osados aventureros persiguen a estos villanos, pero ¿podrá su valor sobrevivir a los yermos embrujados...   [click here for more]
Devir  $6.78

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Pathfinder 1ª ed. - La estrella fragmentada 6 - El corazón muerto de Xin

Pathfinder 1ª ed. - La estrella fragmentada 6 - El corazón muerto de Xin

Los siete componentes de La Estrella Fragmentada han sido recuperados, y los pathfinders preparan un gran festival en la Arcada de la Ira de Magnimar para celebar tan increíble logro. el remate de esta celebración es el reforjado de los siete componentes en el legendrio Siedro, reconstruido por primera vez en más de diez mil años. Pero cuando el ritual para reforjar el...   [click here for more]
Devir  $6.78

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Pathfinder Ausbauregeln VII: Okkultes (PDF) als Download kaufen

Pathfinder Ausbauregeln VII: Okkultes (PDF) als Download kaufen

Öffne deinen Geist! Um dich herum existiert eine Welt, die sich deiner Wahrnehmung entzieht. Auf den Straßen und in den Hallen der Macht, in deinen Träumen und auf all den bizarren Ebenen des Multiversums gibt es jene, für die wir nur Ameisen sind, verdrehen sie doch allein mit der Kraft ihres Willens die Realität auf der Suche nach uraltem Wissen. Nun ziehe auch du den Schleier...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  $22.16

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Winterkönigin 5 - Rasputin muss sterben! (PDF) als Download kaufen

Winterkönigin 5 - Rasputin muss sterben! (PDF) als Download kaufen

Welten im Krieg Die Suche nach der Hexenkönigin endet endlich, als die Tanzende Hütte Baba Jagas Heimatland Russland auf einem Planeten namens Erde erreicht. Man schreibt das Jahr 1918 und in Europa tobt der Erste Weltkrieg. Die Helden finden sich in der Wildnis Sibiriens wieder. Dort stehen sie russischen Soldaten und der Technologie des 20. Jahrhunderts gegenüber, während...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  $19.94

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