Millennia ago, the dwarves of the Darklands began their Quest for the Sky. Over the course of that centureis long campaign, numerous battles were won and lost. It was during one of those losses that General Rholdammen lost her warhammer, a powerful relic thought lost to history until now. A recent archeological dig unhearthed a hammer bearing resemblance to that hammer of legend, which is now en route... [click here for more]
Banned from the Boneyard is an expansion on the necromantic concepts laid forth in The Book of the Dead. As a member of the necromancer class, you practice magical arts forbidden to even the most faithful of clerics, the most studious of wizards, the cunningest of thaumaturges, and the wisest of druids. Learn the secrets of Geb, Kabriri, Urgathoa, and even the Whispering Way; just some of... [click here for more]
Class archetypes are hideously underutilized. They are a powerful tool to tailor classes to specific playstyles, or to give them powerful abilities while making those abilities inaccessible to other classes that may be able to exploit them though multiclass archetypes.
With this in mind, welcome to It Takes Class, wherein I bring you class archetypes to do anything from granting classes more flexibility... [click here for more]
On the far-flung continent of Arcadia, numerous peoples unheard of to the people of the Inner Sea Region make their home. From the insectile industrialists known as the klinkoi to the elusive peace-loving sasquatches, from the idealistic and erudite syrinxes to the magically constructed wyrwoods, the idyllic countryside of Arcadia is full of unique opportunities for adventure.
This PDF contains... [click here for more]
In dark places all across Golarion, undead creatures of the night seek to prey on the living. Among the most nefarious and intelligent of these horrors are the bloodsucking menaces known as vampires. Vampire Hunters dedicate themselves to the eradication of these creatures, leveraging the weaknesses of the undead to great effect. Though their methods vary, all vampire hunters are dedicated to this... [click here for more]
In the undead nation of Geb, political intrigue abounds. Four lesser members of the undead nobility have been tasked with a mission of utmost importance by a vampiric Blood Lord: to deliver an amulet and win his goodwill. However, things are rarely as they seem in this cut-throat realm of death and politics...
Bloody Harvest Undead Characters: Bloody Harvest Undead Characters - Paizo | Pathfinder... [click here for more]
These four 5th level characters have been pre-generated for the Pathfinder Infinite adventure Bloody Harvest. They were generated using the Free Archetype variant rule to allow them to all have undead Archetypes.
Bloody Harvest Adventure: Pathfinder Adventure: Bloody Harvest - Paizo | Pathfinder Infinite ... [click here for more]