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Apocalypse: The Apotheosis Agenda

Apocalypse: The Apotheosis Agenda

There is a new aspirant to take the Test of the Starstone in Absalom’s Ascendant Court district and this individual has contacted the heroes to handle crowd control while she begins her test. After she crosses the chasm and enters Aroden’s entrance to the Starstone Cathedral, the heroes witness a premonition of what will happen should she succeed and it means the destruction of Golarion!...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $9.99

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Lost Omens Ancestries: Dragonkin

Lost Omens Ancestries: Dragonkin

Unleash the Power of Dragons! Dragonkin are the scions of dragons, drawing upon their draconic lineage for great power. Lost Omens Ancestries: Dragonkin presents a new versatle heritage for the second edition of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. The versatile heritage allows characters to tap into their draconic potential to breathe fire, grow deadly claws, take flight with...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $3.95

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Graung's Guide to Golarion: Mwangi Ancestries Expanded

Graung's Guide to Golarion: Mwangi Ancestries Expanded

Support for Pathbuilder and Foundry VTT included! The core ancestries have a veritable buffet of feats to choose from, but what about the others? For far too long, some ancestries have had slim pickings. That ends now! Mwangi Ancestries Expanded expands on the ancestries added in Lost Omens: The Mwangi Expanse, as well as the touchups some received in Player Core...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $11.99

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Under Lock & Key: Delving Deeper into the Vault

Under Lock & Key: Delving Deeper into the Vault

When the Mistress of the Vault opened areas of her home to the Magaambya, she intentionally warned them away from some of the darker recesses, wherein she keeps more of her favorite items of note. Some hold personal meaning to her, having been worn or wielded by adventurers who incorrectly believed themselves capable of defeating her in open battle. Others are oddities from realms and realities...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $5.99

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Heroes of Omen: The Nanocyte PF2

Heroes of Omen: The Nanocyte PF2

Nanites. Tiny machines that can grant incredible fortitude, transform into tools, and course across the battlefield to decimate foes. Whether their incorporation stems from accidental infection, excruciating experiments, or voluntary symbiosis, nanites grow stronger as they gradually transform their host into more machine than mortal. Heroes of Omen: The Nanocyte is a direct conversion...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $4.99

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Conduit: High Accuracy Blaster Class

Conduit: High Accuracy Blaster Class

The conduit is a beginner-friendly, high-accuracy, mostly single-target energy blaster without spellcasting. Whether using a saber of pure force to cut down nearby enemies or hurling blasts of fire and acid at distant targets, the conduit cuts an incandescent figure on the battlefield. Your choice of patron determines which damage types you have access to. The core engine of the class is managing...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $4.99

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Spell Tricksters of Lastwall

Spell Tricksters of Lastwall

"We swear on Vigil's Shattered Walls, Our Crimson Oath: The Tyrant Falls!" Learn the secrets of the Order of the Callimancers who fought to defend Absalom against the forces of the Whispering Tyrant! This expansion to Lost Omens: The Grand Bazaar and Infiknight Archetypes: Spell Tricksters focuses on spells and lore first appearing in Lost Omens: Knights of Lastwall! 32 new...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $3.95

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The Ransacked Relic: Foundry VTT Support

The Ransacked Relic: Foundry VTT Support

Foundry VTT Integration for The Ransacked Relic: A Pathfinder Second Edition Adventure for New Players  Millennia ago, the dwarves of the Darklands began their Quest for the Sky. Over the course of that centureis long campaign, numerous battles were won and lost. It was during one of those losses that General Rholdammen lost her warhammer, a powerful relic thought lost to history...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $14.99

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Companions of Omen - Player Core Charges

Companions of Omen - Player Core Charges

Lead Your Charge! Find the Pathbuilder Content here, or pick up the bundle. After spending much time learning how to create content in Pathbuilder 2e, we are delighted to bring you our first foray into that medium with Companions of Omen - Player Core Companions. This PDF contains the new content written for you to easily use at your table. Charges are a new type of companion who grow stronger...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $2.99

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Bada$$ Bombs

Bada$$ Bombs

Bada$$ Bombs   Ready to blow stuff up during your next encounter at the mukradi lair? Need a little something to make the cinder rats screech “Run for it” or a bomb so volatile, it forms an elemental fence to keep the pesky invisible fox at bay? We have the alchemical explosive for you! Bada$$ Bombs features 21 unique alchemical...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $2.99

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Into the Void - A Starfinder Adventure

Into the Void - A Starfinder Adventure

Into the Void is a special beginning adventure for Starfinder. The heroes will be building their characters as they progress through the adventure, and gain access to more of their abilities. You start with a blank character sheet (though that is not provided), and fill it out as you go along. It also serves as a starting point for the Dead...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $3.95

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The Ransacked Relic: A Pathfinder Second Edition Adventure for New Players

The Ransacked Relic: A Pathfinder Second Edition Adventure for New Players

Millennia ago, the dwarves of the Darklands began their Quest for the Sky. Over the course of that centureis long campaign, numerous battles were won and lost. It was during one of those losses that General Rholdammen lost her warhammer, a powerful relic thought lost to history until now. A recent archeological dig unhearthed a hammer bearing resemblance to that hammer of legend, which is now en route...   [click here for more]
Paizo  Pay What You Want

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Faith's Reward – Sarenrae

Faith's Reward – Sarenrae

Woe, remaster be upon ye! To celebrate Faith’s Reward – Sarenrae hitting copper and becoming a year old, it has been remastered, rebalanced, and expanded. But don’t worry about your favorite abilities changing on you: the original version will be available to everyone, old purchaser or new! Highlights of the changes: —A new layout designed to maximize readability. No more...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $9.99

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All Things Balanced: Mastering the Elements

All Things Balanced: Mastering the Elements

UnEarth a collection of options for your player characters that expand on what's become available in Rage of the ElementsFire elemental impulses at enemies, or aid your allies with almost 90 new feats for different characters, including alchemists, bards, monks, and of course, kineticists. Wind up your attacks as a kinetic warrior...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $4.99

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Shattered Omens of Golarion

Shattered Omens of Golarion

The reality of Golarion is coming undone after the loss of one of its greatest deities, and it's up to heroes like you to hold it together. Shattered Omens of Golarion is a collection of over 2 years of work consolidated into one tome.  Inside, you'll find over 185 pages of Remastered player options, including new ancestry and class feats, backgrounds, heritages, spells, and magic items. Pick a...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $14.99

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Tome of the Anima Knight: A 2E Class

Tome of the Anima Knight: A 2E Class

The Anima Knight class herein is a new class for Pathfinder 2nd Edition, a warrior who utilizes their own personal flavor of magic to smite their adversaries and commanding various stances towards that end. Whether you are embodying a sandstorm to harry and confound your foes, commanding a blazing inferno to incenerate them, or empowering your allies as a holy warrior, anima knight has a wide array...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $5.00

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Companions of Omen - Player Core Charges Pathbuilder

Companions of Omen - Player Core Charges Pathbuilder

Lead Your Charge! Find the Pathfinder 2e Content here, or pick up the bundle. After spending much time learning how to create content in Pathbuilder 2e, we are delighted to bring you our first foray into that medium with Companions of Omen - Player Core Companions. This Pathbuilder .json file contains compatible options from the Pathfinder Player Core as well as new...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $2.99

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Peculiar Potions

Peculiar Potions

Peculiar Potions   Need a little something to help you make a run for it after you bump into the snapping jaws of a gug or an OP froghemoth? Do you need a good spot to hide your stuff? Need a quick fix to add a little pizzazz to your look next time you head to the local tavern or lich lair? Well we have a potion for you! Peculiar...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $1.99

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Heroes of Omen: Golarion Warlocks

Heroes of Omen: Golarion Warlocks

The gods are not the only entities who can grant power to mortals; some would argue they’re also not the most capable of it. Even the fabled Starstone, an otherwise inanimate object, offers those who pass its mysterious trials the gift of divinity. Forming a pact with an otherworldly being is a far more intimate transaction. it requires personal sacrifice and a willingness to trust that the deal...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $4.99

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Heroes of Omen: Golarion Karotajs

Heroes of Omen: Golarion Karotajs

Some regions of Golarion practically brim with martial arts training, while others prefer a more weapon-focused approach. Oft-times the practices of one have little to do with the other. The karotaj, however, are taught to utilize ki techniques with armed combat. This weapon-centric form of martial art was originated by the elves and lashunta of Castrovel, but has recently gained popularity...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $4.99

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The Caverns of Anguish

The Caverns of Anguish

Evil Lurks In The Darkness! Your ears perk up at the wayward heard mention of “coin free for the taking”. Not that you aren’t past listening to any proposition that promises easy money, so long as it doesn’t require much effort. Putting down your mug, you decide to pay closer attention to what is being said by the woman chatting casually beside you. She traipses on about ogres roaming...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $7.99

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It Takes Class – Brewmaster Witch

It Takes Class – Brewmaster Witch

Class archetypes are hideously underutilized. They are a powerful tool to tailor classes to specific playstyles, or to give them powerful abilities while making those abilities inaccessible to other classes that may be able to exploit them though multiclass archetypes. With this in mind, welcome to It Takes Class, wherein I bring you class archetypes to do anything from granting classes more flexibility...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $1.95

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Delioth's Dossier: Minotaur

Delioth's Dossier: Minotaur

The Minotaur Ancestry; mighty, proud, and now implemented in Pathfinder 2e. Members of this bull-headed ancestry are large and in charge, commanding presences in staterooms and battlefields alike. Play a minotaur if you want to be the largest of your companions, show the world a different perspective of their storytime monsters, or even if you want to be that cunning beast. Included in this product:...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $2.00

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Impossible Ancestries: Wastewalkers

Impossible Ancestries: Wastewalkers

Includes 20 new ancestry feats from 1st to 17th level and background information on being a wastewalker. The Impossible Lands are such a remarkable place... ... But no area within is so misunderstood as the Mana Wastes; a region pockmarked by null magic and wellspring surges thanks to centuries of magical warfare between Geb and Nex. The Mana Wastes plays home to unique creatures...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $1.00

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Volume of the Vanguard: A 2E Class

Volume of the Vanguard: A 2E Class

Presenting the Volume of the Vanguard, a Pathfinder Second Edition class portraying the most stalwart combatants. The Vanguard class is a heavy defender, from their rock-solid core to their reactions to negate incoming damage or punish a foe trying to ignore them. From steel mountains who sacrifice their mobility to pack a devastating whallop to warlords providing a commanding presence for their allies,...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $5.00

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Curse of the Werebeaver - A Pathfinder 2e One Shot

Curse of the Werebeaver - A Pathfinder 2e One Shot

Curse of the Werebeaver is a level 1 one-shot designed for a party of 5, and can also be slotted into any campaign as a side quest. This one-shot also comes with two maps that can be used to compliment it, with an optional road encounter that also comes with a map. However, also feel free to run theatre of the mind. Maps and a FoundryVTT (V11) module are also included in this bundle. Special thanks...   [click here for more]
Paizo  Pay What You Want

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The Goblin Grog Crawl

The Goblin Grog Crawl

The Goblin Grog Crawl   Tired of humans looting your goblin lair and displaying your treasures in their pubs like trophies? Ready to go on a grog crawl goblin style to reclaim stolen loot? The Goblin Grog Crawl is a 2 page, level 3, Pathfinder 2e mini adventure created as part of the PaizoCon 2024 Game Jam! Get ready to steal, brawl, deal,...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $0.99

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Heroes of Omen: The Inventor

Heroes of Omen: The Inventor

For the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game 1st Edition. Technology exists to varying degrees across Golarion; from the automatons of the Jistka Imperium, to dwarven, gnomish, and even goblin tinkerers throughout Absalom, Arcadia, or New Thassilon. The Inner Seas and beyond are rife with individuals who just need a good idea and a hint of technology to get them started down the path of the inventor. Heroes...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $4.99

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Beginner Box Expanded: Bards and Champions

Beginner Box Expanded: Bards and Champions

Are you a GM running a game for new players? Are you a new player yourself? Or does your mind draw a blank when it's time to level up? Feeling uninspired with the four class options in the Beginner Box? The Beginner Box Expanded is a series of intuitive, easy-to-digest guides to the Pathfinder 2e classes. They take the format and features found in the Hero's Handbook of the Beginner Box...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $3.95

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Absalom Drift: Turbocharged

Absalom Drift: Turbocharged

Every hero needs friends. And every group of friends needs a set of engines. How else will you race off to the edges of the galaxy, and save the day? Too bad you can’t afford them on your own. But one of your old friends has picked up a lead on a starship that you just might be able to "acquire". What's the harm in hearing them out at least? Absalom Drift: Turbocharged...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $4.00

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A Cold Brew

A Cold Brew

Wrap up warm because your players will have to scale mountains and trudge through knee-high snow (or waist-high if you're a halfling) in this adventure for players of any level, from 1 to 16! This adventure breaks encounters down by Creature Level and allows you to easily swap enemies if an adventure isn't going your way. Whether it's a bit too easy or way too hard, you can swap...   [click here for more]
Paizo  Pay What You Want

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Dwarves Unleashed

Dwarves Unleashed

DWARVES UNLEASHED: Deep within the wombs of the earth, where gems and gold shimmer like stolen starlight, reside the dwarven people. Stout, broad-bodied, and bearded, dwarves are a dour, industrious, and stoic people who prize honor and loyalty to family and clan above all else. They make for indefatigable and obdurate defenders, pious and resolute clerics, and pitiless killers of their ancestral...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $6.99

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The Goblin King's Heist

The Goblin King's Heist

Have you ever wanted to play the most chaotic adventure ever? Well, now you can! The Goblin King's Heist is a 9th-level one-shot/short adventure for three to nine characters! Each player becomes a member of the Pikbitz clan, hell-bent on robbing the King of the region, and stealing all his shiny gold! This adventure contains 12 different methods for infiltrating the castle and stealing the...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $2.95

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Anima Archives: Adamantine Heart

Anima Archives: Adamantine Heart

Anima Archives: Adamantine Heart is a supplement for the Anima Knight class including two subclass ethoses, four new stances, and nine new feats, along with a smattering of lore, to make your magical strongman fantasies come to light! Options herein are themed around the magic of strength, and the stances and feats epitomize a warrior-mage who uses their magic to enhance their already formidable might...   [click here for more]
Paizo  Pay What You Want

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Arcadian Ancestries

Arcadian Ancestries

On the far-flung continent of Arcadia, numerous peoples unheard of to the people of the Inner Sea Region make their home. From the insectile industrialists known as the klinkoi to the elusive peace-loving sasquatches, from the idealistic and erudite syrinxes to the magically constructed wyrwoods, the idyllic countryside of Arcadia is full of unique opportunities for adventure. This PDF contains...   [click here for more]
Paizo  Pay What You Want

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Danger Dossier

Danger Dossier

IT'S A DANGEROUS GALAXY OUT THERE! Alghollthu. Black puddings. Primal dragons. Intellect devourers. Raveners. Shoggoth. They may have all been threats on the world of Golarion, but that doesn't mean you won't encounter them on hundreds of other worlds. And even with a laser rifle handy, these creatures put you in real danger. Danger Dossier updates 32 classic Pathfinder monsters to Starfinder, with...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $14.95

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Interstellar Species: Ogeir (Space Ogres)

Interstellar Species: Ogeir (Space Ogres)

Ogres were a blight on the old world of Golarion, one thought lost somewhere over time with the Gap. But recently, these creatures have appeared once more, coming from deep within the bowels of Absalon Station and emerging back into the spotlight. But time has changed them. Now, they inhabit a planet in Near Space called Jötheim, and they seem to have developed along new evolutionary lines to...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $2.00

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Enemies of Omen: Shambling Horrors (7th and 8th)

Enemies of Omen: Shambling Horrors (7th and 8th)

It wasn’t always like this, you know? At least, not as bad as it is now. The Whispering Tyrant, he’s to blame for all the souls who can’t find peace; who can’t move on to the welcoming embrace of Pharasma. Enemies of Omen: Shambling Horrors is a collection of over 100 skeletons and zombies based on the monsters found in Bestiary 1, 2, and 3 that...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $7.99

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Heroes of Omen: The Nanocyte

Heroes of Omen: The Nanocyte

This title is for Pathfinder 1e. Nanites. Tiny machines that can grant incredible fortitude, transform into tools, and course across the battlefield to decimate foes. Whether their incorporation stems from accidental infection, excruciating experiments, or voluntary symbiosis, nanites grow stronger as they gradually transform their host into more machine than mortal. Heroes of Omen: The Nanocyte...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $4.99

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Danger Dossier | Roll20

Danger Dossier | Roll20

IT'S A DANGEROUS GALAXY OUT THERE! Already purchased the PDF? Save BIG on the Bundle! Alghollthu. Black puddings. Primal dragons. Intellect devourers. Raveners. Shoggoth. They may have all been threats on the world of Golarion, but that doesn't mean you won't encounter them on hundreds of other worlds. And even with a laser rifle handy, these creatures put you in real danger. Danger Dossier updates...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $19.99

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Pathfinder 1ª ed. - Bestiario El Asedio de los Áspides

Pathfinder 1ª ed. - Bestiario El Asedio de los Áspides

Compendio de bestiario de la aventura El Asedio de los Áspides ...   [click here for more]
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Pathfinder 1ª ed. - El Asedio de los Áspides

Pathfinder 1ª ed. - El Asedio de los Áspides

Hace tres años, la Sociedad Pathfinder adquirió el Tapiz de Hao Jin en el Torneo del Fénix de Rubí, en Goka. El tapiz es un portal a un semiplano magnífico y ecléctico que contiene muchos de los tesoros que la hechicera Hao Jin reunió durante su extraordinaria vida, incluyendo comunidades enteras y estructuras que han sobrevivido desde entonces en su interior. La Sociedad creía controlar el...   [click here for more]
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Pathfinder 1ª ed. - Las crónicas de la Aojadora de plata

Pathfinder 1ª ed. - Las crónicas de la Aojadora de plata

Los Reinos Fluviales son una tierra tumultuosa de bandidos sedientos de sangre, ruinas llenas de tesoros y reyes autoproclamados; durante años han sido el objeto de estudio de Ulisha, una curiosa y capacitada exploradora semiorca. Poco después de llevar a cabo un robo que enfureció a la nobleza local, encontró un círculo de piedras derrumbado y en él halló la Aojadora de Plata, una...   [click here for more]
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